
732 31 8

1 1/2 years ago


The creaky cell door opened I didn't bother looking up to see how had come in. The sound of his footsteps gave him away. I had been in there so long I could smell the faintness of the sea on him. 

"Roronoa," Kaku said. "There's an assignment for you." 

"I ain't doing shit for the government, might as well kill me," I snapped. I meant it too. 

"Akainu agreed to let the Strawhat go if you followed orders," Kaku said. He a set tablet on the floor in front of me. That caught my interest. At least I knew Luffy was still alive now. Unless they were messing with me. That only left Sabo's wellbeing unknown. 

"Fine," I said. I picked up the device and scrolled through it. Wapol. Easy. "I get my swords?" 

"One of them for now," he said. I'll take what I can get. 

"What about Sabo?" 

"Tch, the Revolutionary?" Kaku questioned. "He's being interrogated, Akainu isn't ever letting him go." Interrogated. He was being tortured. Why did Kaku sugarcoat that shit? He knew as well as I did what they were doing to him. 

My jaw clenched. Tension built up in my stomach. It was a good thing I hadn't eaten anything decent in days. It was my fault he was here, my fault Luffy was here. There was no good way around this. Kid was doomed the moment a bounty was set on his head, whether I was assigned to him or not. Kaku pushed the door open wider.

"There's a jet waiting for you, it'll take you to Drum Island and bring you back," Kaku explained.

"Everything you need is already there." I stood, my entire body ached from the poor sleeping conditions. My back and shoulders cracked as I passed Kaku. I made it up the first floor and headed for the landing. There was a single jet on the runway. I boarded and was greeted with all the lavishness of the government. I had a full course meal suitable for royalty, a jet to myself, my travel bag and my white sword, Wado Ichimonji. I was glad to have it back in my possession.

Those government scum shouldn't ever touch my swords. 

The ride was long and the pilot landed twice to refuel along the way. Drum Island was in the far north, the Strawhats hadn't even gone up there yet. Maybe in the heart of summer, it'd be warm enough to dance there. When I landed in Drum Island, I changed into warmer clothes and headed out. Wapol would be in the capital. So that's where I had to go. I spent a week gathering information. Between that, and the bitter cold, I only left the motel room when I absolutely had to. Which was far too often. The hardest part would be getting into his home. Once I was in getting close would be easy. 

I was set up on the roof of a building across the street, there were guards posted at every entrance onto the property. There were a few weak spots along the stone fence that I might be able to get over but with no aerial visual there was no guarantee those were actually weak spots. I also had no idea of the inner security of the building. What a pain in the ass. I could use a drone right about now. 

I decided to take the risk. I made my way back to the ground, unrolled my sword in an alley just across the street from one of the weak points. I checked to make sure there was no one road. I'd have to do this quickly. I darted across the road and used my momentum to push myself over the roughly six-foot fence. 

I dropped onto a grassy lawn on the other side. There was no one outside, but I was still very visible from the house. I ran across the wide lawn that clearly needed a small army of gardeners to keep as nice as it was. I pressed myself against the wall of the building. There was a window on the second floor just above me, that could be a way in. 

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