chapter 8

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(long chapter)

i woke up the next morning and zach was gone.

i'm guessing he went down stairs to eat with the boys.

i go down stairs and all the boys are staring at me. zach with anger in his eyes. oh boy.

"what's going on?" i asked.

"you tell me" zach says.

"i would but i don't know what your talking about" i say.

"then explain this" he shows me his phone and #weshipalisonandgrayson trending world wide.

i take his phone and look at all the post and edits of me and gray from the twins video.

people photoshopped us kissing.

so that's what got him.

"ok one the ones of us kissing are photoshopped and two you know i like you and only you cause YOUR MY BOYFRIEND" i say

"how do we know your not lying" zach says.

"we? so all of you think i'm cheating on zach. even you jack?" i look at all of them in disgust especially jack.

"i mean com'on ali they look real to me" jack replies.

did he really just go there.

"you guys are so gullible. the fact that you actually think those are real disgusts me. if you actually watched the video then you would see that we never kissed or anything like that. i thought you guys would've seen how people manipulate things since you guys are famous and have to go through this everyday"

at this point i couldn't hold in the tears.

i couldn't believe my best boyfriend. my own cousin who is like a brother to me actually think that i would cheat on zach. especially with my past jack knows i have a fear of being in relationships so why would he think i would ruin the one i charish the most.

"ali wait-" jack says

"no jack. i can't believe you. after what happened in my past relationships you would think i would ruin the one i charish the most" zach looks at me with guilt. so do the other boys.

jack try's to hug me.

"no don't touch me" i sob

"ali please" jack says.


with that i went up stairs packed a bag.

i didn't know where i was going i just needed a break from them.

i walked down stairs and all eyes were on me.

"where are you going" zach asks

"somewhere" i reply.

with that i left and hopped in the uber.

i called sydnie and told her i needed her. i told the uber driver her address.

i got to her apartment sobbing.

she opened the door and immediately pulled me into a hug.

"shhh it's okay. come in and tell me what happened" she said.

i explained to her everything that happened and even should couldn't believe jack thought it too.

"i can't believe that" she said shaking her head. "you can stay her as long as you want ok" i nod my head.

"have you talked to grayson about it yet?" she asked

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