10{ Where This Goes: Real Life🙏🏻

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"I actually can't believe you're wearing that shirt," Patrick said laughing at me as I did my hair for the day. I already did my makeup, which was more natural than some of my other makeup looks. For my hair I was putting it half up half down in a bun with a bow that had the same design as the winter soldier's arm on it and then I'm wearing my winter solider Toms that my sister made for me. At first glance many find it hard to believe that I've loved super heroes for years and have read a crap ton of comics. But comics have been a big part of my life and then when they were turned into movies I fangirled so hard.

"Says the one who called Josh Brolin "Daddy" on Instagram and is still wearing the shirt I picked for him. Proud though," I replied smiling at him as I put the bow in my hair. I took one final twirl in the mirror to make sure that I looked okay and then left the bathroom and went into our joint hotel room.

"Meh. Maybe he'll make an exception for me for one night," Patrick said winking at me and I just rolled my eyes at him as I packed my sunglasses, mints, phone charger, chap stick, wallet, and a few other things into my small black leather backpack. I pulled my knee high socks up since it is October in Chicago and I'm just wearing a long sleeve shirt and shorts. The knee highs were there to keep the part of my legs that weren't covered warm. Once the socks were pulled up I picked up my phone and a water bottle and turned to Patrick. "Oh hell yeah. Sebastian is going to want you by the end of this panel. Even if I have to drop the cousin card," Patrick said and I laughed knowing that he was being one hundred percent serious.

"Come on idiot. Let's get going before we're late for our Brolin and Hiddleston date," I replied before heading out the room and down the hall to the elevator. As the doors to the elevator opened Patrick came running out of our room and down to the elevator and got in as well. Once outside we made the five minute walk to where our panels will be held and we showed them our badges and were brought into the green room where our joint manager,Mary, was waiting on us.

"Sometimes I hate the both of you. This is one of those times," she said as she took in our shirts and what they said.

"It was either this or cosplay and my cosplay is not comfortable to sit in so the shirts it was. I was going to have Pat wear a shirt that said 'my ideal weight is Sebastian Stan on top of me' but I thought that would go too far for today," I said and she just shook her head and rolled her eyes. Mary has been our manager since we were about fifteen so she's like another mother to us and knows the both of us very well.

"I'm suddenly okay with the current shirts you have on. Now you have twenty minutes before your panel with Josh and Tom and people are piling in now. There's water and food over there, I'll grab you two when it's two minutes before your first panel starts," Mary said before walking away. Once the time did come the two of us walked onto the stage and took seats on one of the two couches that were waiting on us. By this point the room was practically filled and the pair were being waved at and they would wave back. Once the doors were closed they got the okay to start.

"Welcome! I think it's safe to assume that you are all here for Tom Hiddleston and Josh Brolin. Before we get started for those of you who don't know who we are, I'm Patrick Nolan," Patrick said into his mic.

"And I'm Elise Rose. We are YouTubers and comic lovers just like you guys. I know who you're all here for so let's bring them out. Tom Hiddleston and Josh Brolin are wanted on stage," I said the last part in my best computer voice causing the audience to laugh, but as soon as they saw the two men the crowd erupted into cheers and I laughed. Upon seeing me Josh's eyes lit up a bit and he came and gave me a hug and in the process picked me up.

"It's so nice to finally meet you," he said winking at me and it took everything within me not to freak out. First off how the fuck does JOSH BROLIN know who I am? After hugging me he went to shake Patrick's hand while Tom hugged me as well.

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