16{All Night: Real Life🌝🌞

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"Dinner was fantastic," Sebastian said after he helped me load the dishwasher. He's been here for two hours and he's gotten along well with Deta, Toni, and Pat pretty well.

"Thanks. I'm really glad you thought so," I said smiling up at him as we entered the living room where the other three were sitting, "So now what do you guys want to do," I asked looking around the room.

"Actually Zayn is coming to take me out in about thirty minutes for our first date. Sorry to leave you, Sebastian it's been great getting to know you," Toni said smiling at him as the two of us sat down on the gray love seat.

"It was great getting to know you as well. I hope your date goes well," Sebastian said smiling at her.

"Yeah I'm about to head out also. I'm having a girls night with Addilyn and Hannah," Deta said from her spot on the couch. Even though she has a successful YouTube channel she got a job at a local coffee shop and she's made friends there and has been spending a lot of time with them recently. After she spoke I turned and looked at Pat to see if he was too flaking on us.

"I actually invited this guy over that I met last week and this is going to be our sort of first date," Pat said wiggling his eyebrows and I laughed.

"Have a great first date Toni and please as if Harry is single because he'd be a great backup if things don't go the way I hope," I said instantly regretting it since Sebastian is sitting right next to me after all. "Actually don't mention it. They aren't on good terms right now," I said remembering Zayn's interview where he said they weren't cute.

"Wait I thought you liked older men," Odeta asked me with a smirk knowing exactly what she was saying and why.

"Age doesn't matter as long as they don't treat me like JT they're great,"

"Uggg JT was the actual worst! I'm still trying to figure out how you spent ten months with you. There were times when Pat and I planned out his murder," Toni said rolling her eyes.

"What happened there," Sebastian asked looking around at the four of us wanting to know the full fucked up story of my last relationship. I sat back and let Toni and Pat tell the story because they do it way better and make it more interesting that I ever could. "He sounds like a complete dick," Sebastian stated once they explained the rise and fall of my relationship.

"Basically he was, but when this one loves she fights with everything in her to keep the relationship a float," Odeta said as she stood up, "and on that I'm out of here. Have a good night you oldies." She said as she headed to the door. As she was walking out the door she shouted that two boys were at the door one of them being the obvious Zayn Malik. The pair of men walked in and when their eyes landed on their dates there was a sparkle and it made my heart sparkle as well.

"Zayn these are my two roommates and best friends Elise and Patrick. The one walking out was Odeta," Toni explained as she approached him.

"Hey I'm Zayn," he said smiling at us.
We waved to him and then the two were off.

"Definitely liked him more when he was in One Direction," Patrick's date said with a shrug before giving Patrick a kiss.

"Aren't you going to introduce us since the four of us will be spending most of tonight together," I asked Patrick with a quirked up eyebrow.

"I was getting to it. The rude ass on the couch is my best friend and girlfriend if I ever need her to be is Elise and the hunk next to her is our friend.." he started only to be cut off.

"Yeah, he's Sebastian Stan. I would have to live under a rock not to know who he is. Nice to meet you both I'm Kit. Also the two of you make a really cute couple," Kit said pointing at Sebastian and I. This instantly caused Patrick to smirk and let out a snicker, when I turned and looked Sebastian's arm was behind me on the couch and we were actually sitting closer than I originally thought we were. I instantly scooted a little away from him and we both struggled to stutter out a denial to his statement.

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