53{ Home: Real Life🏡

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It's the day we finally get to bring Violetta home. She passed all of the tests and she's now where she's supposed to be. Sebastian and I are beyond excited because we are also finding out how far along I am. We both agreed that we'd keep this to ourselves for a while to just enjoy it. Right now I'm packing an outfit to change Violetta in while he's finishing up a few things in the nursery. The whole house had furniture in it now, but the only room that is fully unpacked is Vi's room. The rest of the house has boxes all over the place because we wanted to spend as much time at the hospital as allowed. Now that we're bringing her home we're hoping that we will get it unpacked soon.

"Ready to bring her home," Sebastian asked and I nodded my head as I carried the diaper bag out of the room. I picked up my keys, wallet, and phone and the two of us walked to his car. I chucked my keys and wallet into the diaper bag as he was driving.

"I was thinking maybe a week or so after we have everything unpacked we can invite both of our families over for dinner to tell them the news. Maybe even invite your dad since I haven't met him before and he has a granddaughter now," I said the last part cautiously. The whole time I've known Sebastian he refused to talk to me about his father. All I was able to get out of Chris was that they had a fight a couple of years ago and haven't spoken since.

"He won't come even if I ask him to," he said as he grip on the wheel became tighter and I decided to drop it. Today is supposed to be a happy day and I'm not going to be the one to fuck it up for us. The rest of the ride was only filled with music from the radio and once we got to the hospital we had a meeting with her doctor and he basically told us she has a clear bill of health and that we won't need to get any machines or anything. He that the last test that needed to be done was the car seat test, so he brought us into a room and I strapped her into her car seat and we sat there for the most nerve wracking ninety minutes of my life. Thankfully she ended up passing it and Sebastian and I walked out with our baby girl in her carrier. Once in the car after I secured her in I decided to sit in the back with her. A couple of times I caught Sebastian looking back at us and smiling.

"Do you think we have enough time to get food before my appointment," I asked and he shook his head sadly. For some reason I thought it was a good idea to have the two appointments so close together, but I'm regretting that now. Once at the OB's office I got out of the car while Sebastian got out and took out the carrier. I held the diaper bag on my back and Sebastian took a hold of my hand with his free hand. Thankfully there was no paparazzi so getting in wasn't a problem. Once we were brought back to the room Sebastian took Violetta out of her car seat and held her on his lap so she was facing me. She grabbed onto one of his fingers and instantly put it in her mouth causing me to laugh.

"Checking on baby number two today," Dr. Walle said as she walked into the room and I shook my head.

"My first, his second," I said winking at Seb and he just shook his head.

"Ahh, so the daddy has been a busy man I see," she said and I couldn't help but laugh at this as Sebastian's face got red. I already like her and we just met. After checking on all the health related things it was now time for the ultrasound and I'm excited since this is the first time that I've ever been in the room when an ultrasound happened. She put the want on my stomach and moved it around and on the screen appeared my little blob of love. I began to cry and when I looked at Sebastian he was smiling while kissing Vi's head.

"So from the looks of it, it looks like you're about two months, almost three,  along," she said, "How old is that cutie over there?"

"She turned three months two weeks ago," Sebastian spoke up.

"Well it looks like you two are going to have a set of Irish twins. When this baby is born your daughter will be ten months," she said and my jaw dropped and I was in shock. I don't know why it never occurred to me that there was a chance of having two kids under the age of one at once. Once everything was over and we got the sonogram pictures we left and went home. I put the pictures on the refrigerator while he went and put a sleeping Violetta in her crib. After the pictures were up I went into our room and found Sebastian laying on our bed waiting on me.

"How do you feel about being a mom of kids ten months apart," he asked as I rolled onto the bed and into his side.


"What's got you nervous? If anyone can handle it I know it's us that can,"

"That's what I'm nervous about. I'm nervous about the times where it isn't an 'us' for when you're off filming somewhere and I'm here with both of them by myself,"

"You won't be alone. You'll have our parents, your sister, Winston, Scarlett, your Bunica, Patrick, Kit, Toni, Zayn, Evans, Egan, Will, and Chace as well as many others. Also you can come with me if I'm going to be away filming, I'd rather have it happen that way," he said.

"But we can't always travel with you Seb. They're going to need structure and a schedule and if we're always traveling they won't have any of that. Of course we'll visit you for a while, but if you're gone filming for six months we can't spend all six months wherever you are," I said being honest.

"Let's not worry about that right now. Right now let's just focus on all the happy things in our lives. We have each other and we're going to have two children that we're going to love the hell out of," he said and I laughed and agreed with him.

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