34{Squad Up: Real Life✌🏼

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"I know you said you were okay being in their vlogs, but if it gets to be too much just tell them and they'll stop right away," Elise said to Sebastian as they sat in the back seat of Kit's rental car. Today's the day that he finally gets to meet her LA 'Squad' and he's honestly so excited because he hasn't met any of her YouTube friends yet. Earlier this week he took Elise to meet Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo, and Jeremy Renner and they all adored her right from the start. She didn't act like a fangirl even though that's what she felt like on the inside. Much like she does with Sebastian, Elise treated the three men as if they were normal everyday people.

"You're over thinking again, ursulețul. It's going to be fine," Sebastian said taking a hold of her hand. Much to the dismay of Patrick, Toni, Kit, and Zayn the couple has been speaking mainly in Romanian to each other, but to them it's just another way to strengthen their bond. It's gotten to the point where they'll just seamlessly slip between the two languages and the other won't bat an eye at it. Sebastian has taken to calling Elise ursulețul, which means little bear, among a few other nicknames. Elise calls Sebastian maimuţă, and this nickname came after she went to to the gym with him.

"You two are so cute it's making me gag all the way up here," Kit said looking in the rear view mirror and winked at Elise. Kit and Patrick have been officially and exclusively dating each other for three months now, but in the time that Kit has been apart of Patrick's life he's been apart of Elise's and the others' lives as well. He's become apart of the 'squad' you could say.

"Coming from the man who always has to have physical contact with their boyfriend in someway," Sebastian shot back earning a laugh from the others in the car.

"Touche Mr. Stan," Kit said as he began to drive again. The rest of the way to Shane's house they just talked about their plans for the month they're all in LA. They all actually ending up needing to come to LA for different jobs, but the time frame lined up for all of them so they're together which at the end of a stressful day is the best thing for each of them. As they pulled up to the house Elise's nerves began to get the best of her and Sebastian noticed. He began to reassure her that it'll be okay and everyone will get along and play nice, because in the end he knew that was her biggest fear of the day.

"Should we vlog this experience from our end and then I can edit all the footage we have so far of Sebastian meeting our friends for when you two do announce your relationship," Patrick asked turning and looking at Elise.

"That'd be great, but I don't want to use him for content. He's my boyfriend and it just feels extremely wrong to use this relationship to have content up on my channel,"

"It's also your job. I know you're in this for me, just as I'm in this for you. YouTube is your actual job and with that comes being open about your private life and I'm okay with it as long as we keep some mysteries to ourselves. This could actually turn into a really cool video where you have their reactions when first seeing me, but not show me yet and then later on we can do a proper sit down video and talk about us and how we started dating or whatever," Sebastian suggested because he did respect her job as a YouTuber and what came along with that platform.

"Are you sure," Elise asked looking at him and he leaned down, gave her a small peck, and smiled at her. "I'm sure," he said. Patrick smiled at the interaction before getting his camera out. The four got out of the car and Patrick started to vlog from behind Sebastian and Elise as they approached the front door hand in hand. Elise would turn around and let out little giggles as if she was a school girl with a crush, but what everyone but Patrick didn't realize was that these were indeed nervous giggles.

"Here we go," Elise said looking into the camera nervously before knocking on the front door. Sebastian put his arm around her waist and pulled her closer to him and kissed the top of her head. The door opened and Shane was standing there, but the look of shock on his face was EVERYTHING and more! "This is some sick joke right," he asked in a state of shock. Elise and Patrick both began to laugh because this was his genuine reaction.

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