52{All I Want: Real Life👨‍👩‍👧

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A few weeks until we get to bring Vi home and we finally both agreed on a house we loved. Today I have a doctors appointment because I haven't been feeling the best and even though I'd rather ignore it in order to make sure the nursery is ready, Sebastian made my appointment for me.

"Are you sure you don't want me to come with you," Sebastian asked as we were cuddled on the couch in the townhouse. His lease on his apartment ended a few weeks ago and since we were house hunting he just moved into the townhouse with me. Everyone else is already moved out and are in the process of making their old rooms into offices.

"Positive. Vi has testing at the same time. One of us needs to be with her," we stayed like this for an hour and then I went to my appointment while Sebastian went to the hospital. I'm not going to lie when I first agreed to be seen as Violetta's mother, but now I wouldn't have it any other way. Right now we're going through the legal process of having me listed. Harlow has already give up her rights to Vi, and now we're going through the adoption process. This is my family and I now know this is where I'm supposed to be in life. The night Sebastian signed her birth certificate Harlow let us have the final say so on her name, we decided to keep Violetta because we both loved it but we talked about it and instead of Rose her middle name is now Ursa. We agreed on Ursa since Sebastian calls me his little bear, my favorite constellation is the Ursa Minor, and Ursa is both my Grammy's and Bunica's middle names.

When I got to the office I was soon called back and then the doctor soon entered the room. I explained to him everything that had been going on and for how long it had been happening. He then asked me when my last period was and with everything going on I didn't realize that I had skipped periods until now. That's when it all made sense to me and when she saw the look of realization she smiled at me.

"We're going to do some blood work and we'll have you pee in a cup. You should have the results by five tonight," she said before walking out of the room. Once everything was done I walked out of the office in a daze. No matter how Sebastian reacts to the news I'm going to keep this baby even if I have to raise it alone. When I got in the car I decided to go straight to the hospital to see Violetta. When I walked into the NICU a wave of emotion hit me. If I am pregnant I'm not sure if I could handle having another baby possibly end up here as well. I looked around for Sebastian and I found him sitting in the corner holding Vi and talking to her as he smiled down at her. Watching this made my heart melt and allowed me to push everything out of my head.

"Look it's momma," Sebastian said turning Vi so she was able to see me and I smiled at them as I approached them. She's now three months old and she has grown a lot within those three months they just wanted to keep her in another month to be safe.

"Hi loves," I said as he handed her to me. I missed the top of her head and she smiled.

"What did the doctor say," Sebastian asked letting me sit in the rocking chair that he was in before. I decided that I wouldn't say anything to him before I knew for sure because I didn't want to stress him out. I did tell him about the testing, I just didn't tell him what it was checking for. I felt bad for lying, but I like I said I'd rather be sure first.

It's now five thirty and Sebastian and I are leaving the hospital for the night. It's always hard to leave her because we both just want her to be home. Once leaving we went to the new house to finish putting together the furniture for her nursery since the painting was finished earlier this week.

"We probably should've stopped and got something to eat," I said as we walked into the basically empty house. The only furniture in the house is in the nursery half put together. The rest of the furniture that we ordered is being delivered sometime next week. We both agreed to get a completely new bed that neither of us have slept in with other people to represent our fresh start as a couple and a family.

"I can go get us something. What are you feeling," he asked me.

"Chicken nuggets," I replied shyly just because everyone I know, including Sebastian, always laughs at me when I ask for them. I don't understand why chicken nuggets has the stigma of being only for kids, but it needs to be gone.

"I'll be back," he said before giving me a kiss and then standing up and leaving the room and then the house. As I was sitting there reading the directions on how to put the crib together my phone rang and it was my doctor's office.

"May I speak to Zerenity," I heard my doctor ask from the other side.

"This is she,"

"Depending on your stance this could either be great news or terrible news. The results have come back and you are indeed pregnant. I have an OB-GYN that I think would be great for you. Her name is Joy Walle. Her number is xxx-xxx-xxx. I suggest you make an appointment with her within the next week to find out how far along you are and to make sure everything is okay," she said and hearing her say those words excited me.

"Thank you. I will, have a good evening," I replied before hanging up. I then went downstairs and sat down on a blanket that was laid out in what will soon be our living room. I looked down and placed my hand on my stomach still in slight disbelief that this is my life. As much as I wanted to call my parents, sisters, and best friends to tell them I didn't. Sebastian is the first person that I want and need to tell.

"What are you doing down here," Sebastian asked pulling me away from my thoughts of the future as he walked in. He handed me the bag with foods and then sat down with the drink carrier.

"Before we eat I have something important to tell you,"

"Is Vi okay," he asked with a hint of panic in his voice.

"She's fine. It's actually about me. The doctor called and my results came back. I know you literally just had Vi three months ago and it's been stressful on both of us. I know that we haven't even brought her home yet and this probably isn't the right time for this to happen to us,"

"Are you dying," he asked and I laughed while shaking my head.

"No. What I'm trying to tell you is that I'm pregnant," I said and his mouth dropped. He looked between my eyes and my stomach and we sat there in silence. The longer the silence lasted the more unsure I came about this actually happening for us, the more it hit me that he most likely didn't want this. The longer we sat there the harder it became to hold back my tears and pretend like I wasn't phased. Before I actually began to cry I weakly used the excuse of having to use the bathroom. I went up the stairs and into the master bathroom and locked the door behind me. I turned on the water and sat down on the side of the bathtub and let out everything I was holding in. I had talked myself into believing that he would be as excited and happy about the news as I was and so when I didn't get the reaction I was expecting it hurt.

"Zerenity, baby? Please come out," I heard Sebastian ask after he knocked on the bathroom door. I stood up and looked in the mirror and wiped away my tears and ran water over my face in hopes of making it look like I wasn't crying. I turned off the water and unlocked the door and opened it. "You've been crying," Sebastian said stating the obvious quietly.

"It's okay if you don't want this. I'll figure something out," I said wanting to get the hard conversation out of the way. As soon as I said this his face fell.

"I never said I didn't want this. I want you. I want Violetta, and now I want this baby. It's going to be hard especially with my work schedule, but we'll make it work. I'd never leave you alone like that, you're the love of my life and having a family is all I've thought about for a while," he said pulling me into his chest and hugging me.

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