The Day of Excitement and Fear

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Oh lord. I'm dead. Once he finds out I'm going into heat in a few days he is gonna KILL me! I looked around and saw kody laying down stretched out on his bed sleeping.

"What am I gonna do? Oh lord I'm gonna die!",I said quietly to myself. Aiden then walked in and looked at me.

"Lumine can you come here please?",he asked.

"Of course!", I smiled and walked out after him. He led me into the hallway away from kody.

"Listen. I know your gonna go into heat in like 3 days so I need to to be careful there are plenty of were dogs going to be coming after you. So I'm gonna have to tell you this now but I dont think I can let you out of the house when your in heat. It's just to dangerous", he said in a calm relaxed voice.

"I understand your concern and I will follow your orders but just know If I do sense him in danger I will not hesitate so disobey you. I cant have him getting hurt or killed",I said as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed everything I needed for making breakfast.

"I understand that. But be wary. Kody can sense it and he may mate you. Just a fair warning. Didnt want you to be blind sighted", he said as he smiled and walked back to his room somewhere in the house.

I grabbed the eggs and started making scrambled eggs along with toast and bacon. Kody came in and looked st me and smiled. I smiled back and continued to cook.

"Heres your breakfast kody, go ahead and eat while it's still warm", I said and turned back and ate a piece of toast and put the dishes in the sink to be washed later.

"Thank you lumine. Breakfast was amazing", he said as he smiled and put his dish in the sink and walked back off to our shared room to get ready for school. I walked after him and went to our shared closet and got out a dark burgundy hoodie black skinny jeans and black converse.

"You really have adapted to my style havent you lumine?", he asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I smiled and looked at him and kissed his cheek.

"Well yeah I have since you know it's the only thing really in the closet. Duh.", I said and turned and got dressed. After I was done I turned and faced kody and smiled and i walked over to him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you", he said to calmly. Like the words were so easy to say to him.

"I-i lo-love y-yo-you to", I managed to stutter out as I buried my face in his shoulder with him chuckling at my comment. He can be so mean sometimes. I let go of him reluctantly and walked over to my bed and grabbed my phone and looked at him.

"Ready to go?", I asked him.

"Yeah, let's head out", he replied as we walked out of the house hand in hand. Smiling the whole way.

Haha you thought I was gonna end the chapter there didnt. you? Welp think again!

~time skip 3 days~

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Dammit I went into heat in the middle of the night! I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Shittttt. I was already feeling extremely hot and uncomfortable. Ugh why do were wolves and were dogs have to go through this? It sucks! Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Hello?", I asked cautiously. Scooting away from the door.

"Lumine? Are you ok? You jumped out of bed and ran in here are you sick or something? Can I come in?", he asked, his voice is full of worry. Should I let him in? I walk over to the door. I'm in black track pants and a tank top. This is gonna be fun. Not really. I walk over and open the door. I'm pretty sure my face is as red as a tomato from well, me being in heat.

"Woah your face is all red? Do you have a fever are you ok?", he looked at me his face full of worry his bright green eyes piercing through my blue eye and blue and yellow eye.

"Y-yeah I'm fine. Just well werewolf problems I guess", I said as smiled at him. I'm hoping he doesnt see through me. I'm praying.

"Lumine dont lie to me...wait...are heat?", he said smirking. His words turning my face even redder and causing me to look away. He figured me out. He saw right through me. Shit shit shit.

"Do you need help with it lumine?",he asked turning me towards him. No way did he just ask that. No way. The only way to help with heat is

I turned and looked at him. Preparing my answer. I looked at him and smiled as I said....

904 words

Haha cliffhanger time! Oooo dont you hate me? I'm so sorry for not updating in like 5 years my deepest apologies but I'm back now and I'll hopefully (cross my fingers) have another chapter out within the next hour or so. So until then enjoy this one! See you soon my wolves!


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