Something a Bit Different

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It had been around maybe three months since that night? Maybe? I don't know. But the air just feels different now, well, it all started a couple weeks ago when I first started to notice a shift in the air. Like something was trying to break whatever safe barrier I put up. It was strange and I can't explain it any other way than that. I went outside near the porch to see if I could find the firewood that Kody said was around the side of the house. 

Now i'm a werewolf, i'm usually considered one of the most dangerous animals on the planet to a lot of people, but, the truth is I get scared really easily. Only Kody knows that I think. As I walked around the side of the house I swear I saw something in the edge of the clearing where it meets the forest. I looked at it for a few seconds then I looked away and picked up the wood I needed, but when I looked back up all I saw was the nastiest looking were-dog In have ever seen. It was covered in scars, and nasty sharp teeth. It snarled at me, and I won't ever forget what it said to me.

"They are coming for you next little one, your powers WILL be theirs no matter what you do. You'll be pulled from your weak mate, and forced to mate someone else of a more higher status, be prepared young wolf, these barriers won't hold up forever", he said snarling. 

As soon as he said that though, Kody came running around the corner of the house and he locked eyes with the mysterious person before looking to me to see if I was ok. then he grabbed my hand and led me back inside, I also managed to keep the wood in my arms through all that, so go me! But as soon as I dropped the wood, my knees suddenly felt weak and I collapsed. Kody immediately caught me and slowly let me fall to the ground, that's when everything that wolf said suddenly hit me all at once, and I just started crying my eyes out. Kody held me the entire time combing his hands through my hair but that didn't stop my nerves. Was I really gonna lose him? What was that thing actually talking about? What was this person gonna do to me if he actually gets me? Could this be what that other werewolf meant when he had said that this war wasn't over yet? Why did they want me? there was plenty of other werewolves all over the world what was so damn special about me?

That's when I had a searing pain come from my back. My eyes widened before I screamed out in pain and almost ripped off my shirt. I turned to Kody and told him to look at what was on my back. As I turned I looked over my shoulder and saw his eyes were almost as wide as a dinner plate.

"What is it? What's going on is it bad?", I asked, worry clearly heard in my voice.

"Well, first off it looks like a complicated mark of some sort, I can't read the symbols but some I can. Some talk about elemental powers while others talk about a line of werewolves given elemental powers, I can't read the rest, Lumine... do think you're a part of that long generation of werewolves? Maybe that's why they want you so badly.", he said as he looked into my eyes.

"I....I don-", I tried to say, but I couldn't. Because as soon as I started to speak, the outside barrier came crashing down, and all hell broke loose.

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't added to this story in a long time. School kept me way more busy then I thought it would, but with this whole quarantine thing I finally had the time! Now stay safe and make sure you eat well, rest well and stay inside unless you absolutely need to go somewhere! I love you all! stay safe!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

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