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September 1, 1969

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September 1, 1969


Darry was in town and offered to babysit Rayne while me and Soda go and have a night to ourselves. We decided to party a bit at Buck Merrill's, we haven't been partying in a long while. Of course my mother's instinct had me non stop worrying about Rayne back at home, but I knew she was in good hands. Darry was a great babysitter.

Sodapop was more drunk than I was, even though I was pretty tipsy too. Sodapop wrapped an arm around me and started placing numerous kisses on my face and up and down my neck. I blushed and giggled, butterflies erupted in my stomach like they always have around him. Steve stumbled over and laughed, "Already trying for a second kid, huh?"

I laughed and threw what was in my cup at Steve. He laughed and wiped the beer off of his face, "Hey, Soda! Care to spare some time with your lady so we can play drunk football in the front?"

To my surprise Ponyboy was drunk too, he came stumbling up to talk to us and fell on top of Steve. "Issa drunk game! Everyone who gess tackled to the groun haz to take a shot!"

I was leaning on the bar and laughed to myself, turning around to ask the barista for a bottle of water. She handed me a bottle and saw Ponyboy, chuckling as well. "First drunk night?"

I shrugged, "Just a lightweight."

She laughed, "Good luck."

"I've got a whole gang of them, I'm used to it." I joked

I turned back and tossed the water bottle at Ponyboy. It smacked him in the head and he fell backwards, everyone started laughing their asses off. I stepped over and lifted him back to his feet, "You little man need to sit this one out."

Ponyboy held his eye and cringed, "The fuck, Carrie...you hit me right in the eye."

Sodapop laughed, "Watch him, me and Steve will be outside."

I kissed Sodapop, "Be careful, baby."

Sodapop ran off with Steve and Ponyboy leaned on my shoulder, putting all his weight on me. I shook my head, "Let's find you a couch and a trash bin."

As expected from any drunk, light weight, 17 year old, I had to sit on the couch with Ponyboy and rub his back until he was done vomiting. I was hardly phased by it, I just kept sipping my beer. My morning sickness was 10 times worse, and happened every. fucking. day. Now that shit was nasty.

At some point Ponyboy passed out, so I just left him on the couch as I went out into the backyard to get some fresh air. Party scenes annoy me quickly, they're only fun for so long. I always have to take a moment to unwind, prepare myself for the scene again. The night sky and air was always a perfect get away.

I stood on the deck, sipping my beer. I looked up at the stars. I didn't even notice when a familiar face stood next to me. "Been a while, Caroline."

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