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December 25, 1985

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December 25, 1985


Christmas morning. Its weird not waking up to my mom making bacon and pancakes. Instead it was Holly making hot apple cider and french toast. I wonder if my mom ever knew about Holly. I wonder if she even cared. I wonder if she ever questioned the same things I always have.

I sat on the couch in my fuzzy pants and long sleeve sweater, slowly waking up. Aaron was still asleep and so was Sodapop, men always tend to hibernate more than women. But once Aaron wakes up, that's when Christmas is really going to begin.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, then felt the couch sink next to me. I looked over and saw Sadie. She had a different look on her face than she usually does, I don't think I've ever seen this expression on Sadie. "Merry Christmas, Sadie." I said

"Merry Christmas, Rayne." She said with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes

"Something wrong?" I asked

Sadie looked into her lap and trouble getting the words out for a moment before she confessed, "I'm sorry for how I've been treating you since you've arrived. My dad had just always talked so highly of you all my life and when you returned I got scared. I was scared he'd forget all about us and turn his attention towards his first daughter but I now know that's childish and dumb. I mean, you're my sister. I shouldn't be afraid of competition but welcome you into the family with open arms. I was the only one who didn't do that, and I just hope you can forgive me for being so hostile."

"Aw, Sadie its okay. I honestly expected the whole family to treat me with hostility and I can't blame you for doing so. I mean, if a 19 year old girl just shows up at your doorstep out of the blue claiming she's your sister I'd be scared too. But I forgive you, Sadie. I understand. I just hope we can have a more close relationship than how he started." I said

For the first time I saw a genuine smile on Sadie's face, "I'd like that."

I reached over and gave Sadie a warm hug. "You know, I've never had a sister." I said

"Neither have I." Sadie added

I released and looked Sadie in the eyes, "Well now we have each other."

"Christmas!" Aaron screeched as he ran into the livingroom like the energizer bunny

Sodapop followed close behind, and smiled at the sight of his daughters bonding on the couch. If a look could say 1000 words, that single smile could say a million.

Holly entered the livingroom, "We'll eat after presents, since it seems Aaron has more important priorities."

I received mainly clothes and some jewelry from Holly. Aaron gave me a rock with a smile painted on it and a note that said "to the best older sister ever (don't tell Sadie)" and it made me giggle. He's such a sweet boy. I went shopping and gifted everyone what I felt was appropriate. I got Sadie a bracelet and Aaron a toy firetruck which he was more than grateful for. I got Holly a scarf just like one I had because one day I wore it and she went on about how jealous she was of it so I thought it was only appropriate.

In my room I still had Jonas and Dallas' presents, I got Jonas some rings since he said big rings on a guy makes him look tough. He'd look good with rings, knocking someone's lights out for messing with the wrong person. And Dallas I got him the same thing I got Sodapop, which was the main event at opening presents.

"The last one, from Rayne to Sodapop." Holly said

I sat close to Soda and twiddled my thumbs, I was anxious for him to open it. He took it from Holly's hands and seemed to be as anxious about the gift as I was. He looked at me as if for permission to open the gift and I motioned towards it, "Go on."

Soda began to unwrap the gift paper to reveal a photo album. On the cover was my name and birth date, written in my mother's best handwriting. Soda opened the book and analyzed each page, they all held pictures of each milestone I went through. Even some from this very house.

I smiled as the family gathered around to look at the pictures. I explained, "My mom kept a photo album of my life and I brought it here with me. I still have the original one, but I got all the pictures copied a few times and made a new book or two. I wanted to give it to you so you can feel like you were there for all of it, every step in my life."

The book held pictures from my first day of school, every grade. My first birthday, my first field trip, my first Christmas, my first haircut, almost everything. My mom kept quite the log on my life.

I stood up and went to my room to retrieve something I was waiting to bring out. When I came back out to the livingroom Sodapop looked up at me with a near tear in his eye, "Thank you so much, Rayne. I absolutely love it."

"I was hoping since that was the first chapter of my life, maybe its time to start a new one." I said

I held in my hand a camera and in the other an empty photo book. "First Christmas family photo?" I asked

The whole family smiled and Soda had to sniffle back a tear, "Of course."

I smiled and set my camera up on the coffee table. I set a timer and we all got situated on the couch. The camera flashed and I stood back up to retrieve the developing photo, it was exactly what I had hoped for.

The photo developed and there it was. A happy family sitting by the Christmas tree with nothing but love and smiles. My mom may not be here, but I know somewhere she's smiling down at us.

I grabbed a pen and wrote below the photo "First Christmas back home" and put it on the first page in my photo album. Here's to a new chapter, one with the people I've gone so long without.

1087 words

I have auditions for the school play tomorrow wish me luck

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I have auditions for the school play tomorrow wish me luck. I'm auditioning with Johnny's death note from the book, I've got it memorized. I just hope my love for the book can translate into my acting. Wish me luck x2!!
- Mahal


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