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December 24, 1985

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December 24, 1985


Ponyboy and Macey had to leave back to New York since they were going to spend Christmas with Macey's family. Darry is still around, and Steve decided to hang out for Christmas Eve but spend tomorrow with Evie's side of the family. This was his last Christmas without a child, must be exciting.

As expected, Jonas and Dallas didn't decide to show up but I didn't expect them to. They probably wanted one on one time with each other, I get that. I've probably been an interruption in both of their lives in more ways than 1.

I was having some wine along with the other adults because why not. Soda and Steve were laughing up a storm, probably about a memory or something. Holly was giving Evie some parenting advice, they're probably going to need a lot. Sadie was being anti social and nowhere to be seen, I'm not that surprised. Because I had nothing else to do I watched Aaron play around in his own world, he was such a cute kid.

I felt the couch sink next to me and saw uncle Darry took a seat next to me. I smiled, "Hey, Darry."

"Hey, Rayne." He smiled back

"Is this always what you find yourself doing for the holidays?" I asked

"Yep, its just me in Oklahoma City." Darry replied

"It's not lonesome?" I asked

Darry shrugged, "Yeah sometimes but, I'm too busy to notice."

"Are you at least happy?" I asked

Darry nodded, "Yeah, I own my own construction company and I do what I'm happy with doing. I'm pretty occupied all the time and I'm not complaining so yeah its pretty cool."

I smiled, "That's good."

"How about you? Where's the road taking ya?" Darry asked

"Kicking off the New Year with a road trip to Nashville." I replied

"Nashville?" Darry raised his eyebrows

"Yeah, for college. I'm going to be a music major." I smiled with pride

"Wow, I didn't know you were a musician." Darry said

"Well, now you know." I laughed

"Yep, now I know." Darry chuckled as well. A moment went by before Darry contined, "I have to thank you, Rayne."

"For?" I asked

"Coming back and bringing this family back together. It may not seem like it, but things really were bad ever since you disappeared. But then you came along and, to be honest I haven't seen Dallas step foot in this house since 1969. When I heard you came back I thought it was only going to make matters worse, but I'm really glad to see what good you've done. So thank you."

I swear I could have shed a tear by that statement. I smiled and my heart warmed up, "I came here to find a family I can call my own, and if that meant mending bonds with a family that's been broken then I had no problem fixing it."

"Well if you can somehow find a way to get Two-Bit to stop drinking and Johnny to maybe contact us for once then that would be something else." Darry joked

I chuckled, "I'll see what I can do."

"But in all seriousness, thank you for doing what you've done. Sodapop was heartbroken and almost positive you would never come back because your mom would feed you lies but I knew if you had any Sodapop in you then you'd come back at some point and make things right. I can tell he's more than ecstatic to have you back." Darry said

"That means a lot, Uncle Darry." I smiled

"You'll always have this family, Rayne."

I leaned over and gave Darry a hug, I've never had an uncle. I never knew they could be so needed. "I love you guys." I said

"And we love you, too." Darry replied

It started to get late, Aaron fell asleep and Steve and Evie had to call it a night. I made my way outside to get some fresh air, the night sky is always beautiful. I heard the front door open behind me and saw Soda coming outside to join me. I smiled and he smiled back, "Aren't you chilly?" Soda asked

I shook my head, "Surprisingly, no."

"Must be the wine." Soda joked

I chuckled, "Must be."

"Rayne, I really want to thank you for coming back." Sodapop said

"I'm sorry I didn't return sooner." I replied

"Rayne, I'm glad I ever got to see you again at all." Soda confessed, "I was sure you were gone forever once your mom left, you were barely 4 years old you probably wouldn't even remember who I was or what I looked like. Coming home that one day and seeing you with Sadie and Aaron, I thought I had died. I never imagined I'd walk into my house and see you standing there after all these years. Not only did you come back, but you brought us all back together in ways I didn't even know were possible. I haven't talked to Dallas or Jonas in almost as long as I haven't talked to you. You've made my life so great ever since you were born and I already know I won't have a problem making up for lost time."

"And I can't thank you enough for letting me in with open arms, I was so worried you wouldn't want anything to do with me because of what my mom did. A family is all I wanted, I couldn't care less who was my real dad I just wanted to know I had somewhere to call home." I said

"You can always call this house home, Rayne." Soda smiled

"And I'm beyond grateful for that." I smiled. I paused and hesitated for a moment, then decided if he didn't know already then he should know now. "I still consider Dallas and Jonas as my family too, you know that right?"

Soda looked a bit disappointed but nodded, "I understand."

"Especially Jonas. I've never had a brother and Jonas feels more like a brother to me than anyone ever has. Jonas is the glue I guess, the glue keeping all of us together." I elaborated

"You and him both." Soda added

"Thank you for giving me a second chance, Sodapop." 

Soda's smile met his eyes, "No, thank you for giving me a second chance."

Me and Soda pulled each other into a hug and in that moment I was so happy. This Christmas is easily the best one I've ever had.

1176 words

WBSJSBAIS AWWW!!! MY HEART ESPLODE!! Sorry I like never update anymore lol imma busy bih

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WBSJSBAIS AWWW!!! MY HEART ESPLODE!! Sorry I like never update anymore lol imma busy bih. Get ready for heartbreak in the next chapter tho, just bask in this cuteness for now.
- Julie Mahal


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