Chapter 1

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The crowd goes wild as another show comes to a close. I stay concealed behind the stage props and near the control both as I watch my best friend Aria bid farewell to her fans. I watch as she waves her hands to her fans and walks towards me, signaling the end of the show. As soon as the lights dimmed I gave the person next to me who was in charge of the lights, a congratulatory pat on the back for a job well done and proceeded to hug the tired and slightly sweaty red head in front of me.

"Good job Aria~." I ruffle my best friends red hair and give her my signature cat like grin, while showing her a thumbs up.

"Stop doing that, do you know how long it took Mint to fix my hair?!" My best friend says as she slaps my hands away from her now wild looking hair and a pout on her face.

"I am technically your boss, since my mom is in Spain at the moment. So~ suck it up, I'll ruffle your hair up after every show as much as I want." I give her a grin and pinch her cheeks. You can't blame me she's just so adorable.

She sighs and accepts her fate. Still pinching her cheeks I decided to tell her the good news. "Now as your boss it's important I tell you this, guess whose album is at the top of the charts right now~?" I ask her in a sing song voice. I then let go of her cheeks and clasp my hands behind me.

"My cat sushi?" she response her voice laced in sarcasm as she rubs her now cherry red cheeks.

"Of course not you silly goose~!" I slap her playfully on the shoulder. "It's Starlight Industries very own top Idol of course!" I yell out in an obnoxious and prideful manner.

"Really now?" her eyes a light with excitement as she grinned at me mischievously.

"I could have never done it without you, Noriko-sama." She curtseys, as a mischievous smile makes its way on to her lips. She and I stared at each other for a while as we exchanged an all knowing look.

I was the first to break our little stare off as I pulled her hand, as to signal that it was time to leave. "Come on, you have school tomorrow." We both started our journey to her dressing room, so that we could gather our belongings and leave.

"Pfft! Not like you don't. I still can't believe you quit going to school in America just for this." She rolls her eyes at me.

"But Ariaaaa-cchhaaann~ It's boring there~. Things are much more interesting here." I pout and start to act childish in front of my friend.

"You are such a child." She sighs as we reach our destination.

She opens the door to her dressing room and as we got in, we hurriedly packed our things and prepped to go home.

"You know if you were going to go to school here in Japan, you could have just enrolled in Lobelia with me." She looks at me and pouts.

I sigh. "You know pouting isn't really going to change my mind about the school. Besides, father and mother were very adamant that I go to Ouran for some reason. They probably want me to find a suitable partner over there while I'm at it." I shiver at the thought of finding a potential marriage partner.

"Well on the bright side I hear there are a bunch of cute guys over there." She winks at me as we make our way out of her dressing room and to the doors that would lead us to our respective vehicles.

I roll my eyes. "You know I'm extremely picky when it comes to men."

We finish our little chit chat as we stand in front of the pick-up point.

"Hurry up now, we don't want you to get tackled by one of your undying fans now." I tell as I push her past the doors and hurriedly brought her to her vehicle with security in tow.

Luckily we got her to her vehicle without getting mobbed by her supporters. Fans screaming to get her attention, cameras flashing. The life of an idol sounds so hectic but yet so thrilling.

She gets into the tinted vehicle that was assigned specifically for her. I waved good bye as the vehicle sped off. I got into my own car and half way home I got a text from Aria.


You better give me the details on your first day tomorrow."


Of course, anything for you madam. :*"

Ew, stop, just stop."


You say that now, but you know you love me. ;)"


Good night -_-"


Good night Mi Amore. <3"

We arrive at my place. Upon entering the house I am greeted by my butler and two maids.

"Welcome home, Erina-sama." They bow in perfect synchronization.

"Hello everyone~" I give them a cat like smile and stretch my ups lazily.

"I'm just going to head up to my room now, I'm awfully tired." I scratch the back of my sheepishly as I give out a wide and very un-lady like yawn.

"Alright Erina-sama." The butler responds as he gestures to the maids that it is time to retire for another days work.

I trudge up the stairs and make my way to my room, effectively opening my room and closing it. I drop my bag, proceeded to undress and change into my night attire.

After deeming myself comfortable. I pounce onto my bed, and curl up in my blankets letting sleep take over me.

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