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Sportacus' heart flutters at this word.

He didn't dare to hope that Robbie would manage to warm up to this thought so quickly.

But now they're sitting here, looking into each other's eyes, hands touching...

"...You are...so beautiful..." the words leave Sportacus' mouth before he can swallow them. Robbie blushes violently and lowers his eyes, mumbling "...No need to soft-soap me, Sportaflop... Don't worry, I will stay here..."

"I don't!" the hero furrows his brows in confusion "Why would I... Robbie, you are beautiful!"

"You can really quit that now!" the felf pulls his hands back and folds his arms, his eyes still fixed on the space between them and his voice still low "...Nobody finds me really...attractive..."

Sportacus removes his hands now as, well and just stares at the other for a moment. Of course, he's already been aware of Robbie's self-doubts, bordering on self-hate even in a way, after what has happened here during the past two days, but he had hoped that the other was at least a little confident about his body...

His eyes roam the felf's still bare torso. For the first time intensely. He's pale, which is no real surprise, since Robbie lives underground and he never appears to let the sun touch anything but his face. Due to his fairy/elvish nature his chest is also hairless, just like Sportacus' and although he never actually trains it's obvious that he got some muscles, probably from working on his inventions and traps. His belly, nevertheless, of course is a little chubby, though...

"...You're right..." admits the hero, once his eyes move up to meet Robbie's again, his voice low and calm "...You're not beautiful..."

The felf feels tears coming up, but he nods, in a way relieved that the hero is honest with him now. But the next second he gasps out in surprise when Sportacus suddenly bows forward and presses their lips together for a few seconds. Then the hero pulls back and gives him an honest, bright smile "...You're cute...and drop-dead gorgeous!"

Robbie turns a very dark shade of red and wildly shakes his head "Stop it, Sportaflop! Did you even look at me?!" he gestures at himself, especially at his stomach with an almost desperate gaze. Sportacus rolls his eyes, gently pushes Robbie back into the propped up pillows and brings his face very close to the villain's, one of his hands now gently caressing the soft belly he's already been massaging for hours before "Do I really have to spell it out for you? You. Are. Gorgeous. Robbie Rotten. Every. Single. Inch. Of. You."

The villain opens his mouth, to protest again, intending to point out that the hero is pure muscle and everybody would laugh at him, if his partner wasn't as muscular, but the elf cuts him off with another gentle kiss. And he can't help but to finally give in. It's a...weird thought, but he realizes that he should get used to the fact that Sportacus actually likes him...just the way he is...

Once Sportacus senses that the other has relaxed again, he slowly breaks the kiss and studies Robbie's face which reflects a wild mix of emotions now. His hand is still stroking the felf's stomach and his other one now comes up to gently tug a few strands of hair behind the villain's ear. But they keep falling back in front of his eyes and Sportacus can't help a smile. Robbie simply looks adorable with this wild hair and he really hopes that the other won't change his look anytime soon...

But then he notices that Robbie looks rather unhappy again, cups his cheek and asks worriedly "Hey... What is it?"

"...Nothing..." the felf changes his sitting position and hugs his knees to his chest, murmuring lowly "...I just... I feel kind of...messy..."

"...Hm..." Sportacus moves his hand to feel his forehead, mumbling more to himself "...You're still too warm... I really wish I could tell for sure what causes your fever... It's possibly just your exhaustion...and especially your upset stomach due to lack of food..." he runs his fingers through the villain's by sweat slightly sticky hair and smiles softly "...Maybe you'll feel better...if I washed your hair for you?..."

Robbie blinks in surprise "...You... How would you... You don't have to..."

"Would you feel better?" interrupts the hero softly without pulling his hand back. The felf hesitates some more, but then he nods weakly "...Yes... Yes, I...do believe so..."

"Good!" Sportacus jumps up with a bright smile "Then give me two minutes, I'll be right back! And please lay down with your head on the foot of the bed..."

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