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"...This is a...film. Yes. A documentary about...life up in the sky! And...it shows the first perspective...of a seagull... Yeah... A seagull... Because we're still flying over the sea! Damn it! Where is the land?!? We can't possibly have gone this far on the way to Iceland already! ...Can we?..." Robbie feels his heart beating faster and his vision gets a little blurry.

Until now talking to himself was enough to distract him from his fear of heights. But now that he allowed himself a moment of weakness not only his fear caught up with him, but his exhaustion as well. His legs are hurting from the pedaling and he's shaking.

"...If I want to pull this through...and I have to then I'll need - and I can't believe it is I who says that - Sportsc-"

The sound of low retching interrupts him.

"Sportacus!" without thinking about it he jumps out of the cockpit, knowing that the autopilot will at least keep them from crashing or falling from the sky for as long as their energy is still there, and hurries back to the bed.

There he gets a light shock.

Sportacus is sweating heavily, writhing on the bed with closed eyes and a painful frown on his face while still heaving dryly...

"...Sportacus..." his voice cracks and his shaking fingers carefully brush over the hero's hot forehead "Sportacus... Wake up..."

The elf winces lightly and moves his lips in a mute "Robbie," but then he gets shaken through by more spasms of retching and his nose starts bleeding heavily again. The felf feels a strange sting in his heart, but he acts completely reflexively.

First he hurries into the bathroom and gets two rags. One with warm and one with cold water. When he returns he carefully turns the hero on his side and puts the cold rag in the back of his neck like he saw it in a movie one day, securing it there with one hand while he very gently cleans his face off the blood with the other rag.

He's shaking.

What if his movie knowledge isn't going to work?

What if his boyfriend is about to bleed to death and he's too stupid to help him properly?!

Robbie tries not to think about this. It's hard enough already to keep the other relatively still although his body still convulses with the need to throw up every few minutes.

What is going on?

How can Sportacus, the obvious embodiment of health, suddenly fall this sick??

The answer is still unconsciously lying in the cage not too far away from them...

At this sight Robbie feels even stronger anger boiling up inside of him, slowly turning into something more solid even: hatred.

And a kind of hatred he's never felt before in his entire life...

He doesn't move for over twenty minutes.

Then the bleeding has finally stopped and Sportacus just coughs weakly then and now.

Robbie can sense that his boyfriend's energy is still fading.


But scaring steadily...

"...This can't be happening... This mustn't happen! I-I...can't lose you! I need you!!!" the felf feels like breaking into hysteric sobs while lovingly stroking through the blonde, sweat wet hair.

But the tears won't come.

It's like they got stuck...

Stuck by something even stronger than panic right now...

With gleaming eyes he turns his head and makes a momentous decision...

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