(Smut-Bonus) Hormones, Sensations & Thunder?!

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(This chapter is purely about their first time having sex and not important for the plot of the story! So you don't have to read it if you don't want to. Otherwise enjoy!)


The kiss appears to deepen and become more passionate on its own, the longer they continue with it.

One of Sportacus' hands is still cupping and stroking the felf's cheek while his other one is lightly, but lovingly running up and down his back. Robbie's hands are both tangled up in the pajama top of the hero, clinging to him as if for dear life once more.

He doesn't want Sportacus to leave.

He doesn't want the moment to end.


And Sportacus feels the same. He slowly moves his hand to slip it under the felf's shirt. Sensing the warm skin under his fingertips causes the hero's heartbeat to quicken. His hand travels further to the villain's chest and stops on his left side, feeling Robbie's as well quick, fiercely beating heart.

The felf doesn't notice anything anymore. All he's aware of in this moment are Sportacus' loving touches and his soft lips, pressing on and moving with his own. And in the back of his head he weakly realizes that every kiss they shared until now was great and special and mesmerizing. But this kiss now is...something more...

It sends sparks through his body...

And he becomes aware of completely new sensations, running through his whole body, setting every nerve on happy excitement...

After long minutes they part again, both breathing heavily, eyes wide and gleaming with what can only be described as lust. Blushing furiously.

"...Your heart feels as if it's doing jumping jacks..." whispers the hero with a soft smile and caresses the villain's cheek with his thumb. Robbie chuckles softly "Only you could come up with such a comparison, Sportacute. But...it describes it pretty well, though I guess... And yours does, too..." his hands loosen his grip on the hero's shirt when the elf's blue, faithful eyes remind him that he won't leave his side. Instead he now absently runs his fingers along the neck and then jawline of his friend, before he carefully starts playing with his moustache. The hero chuckles lowly and is quick enough to place ghostly kisses on his hands, his eyes never leaving the felf's. Robbie swallows hard and whispers "...You always say that you think me beautiful... It's about time I say it back, although it's obvious, of course... You're the most handsome man I've ever met, Sportacus. And no matter how much fun I made of your muscles and your strength... The truth is...I...adore you."

It takes Sportacus all of his willpower to resist his instinct and happy excitement and not pin the other to the bed and kiss him far more passionately and forcefully this time.

Instead his one hand on the felf's cheek gently strokes a few strands of black hair out of his beautiful face and he stammers "R-Robbie... I... Thank you! You... You are amazing! I wish I could..." he quickly bites his tongue. The villain smiles softly, knowing exactly what his friend wanted to say and shifts even closer so their chests are now pressed flush together, his low whisper is of a strange tone he can't quite sort in himself "...Show me..."

Sportacus' heart nearly skips a beat "A-Are you sure? I mean..."

"Our minds are both clear and calm now," Robbie softly, shortly kisses the nervous elf again, his mild smile soothing "...No matter what we might do now...I'm sure I won't feel sorry afterwards... What about you?..."

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