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"...You don't actually think that I believe this nonsense, do you?!" Sportacus clenches his hands into fists and tries to calm his rapid heartbeat and shallow breathing.

He's glaring at Nine who's still standing in front of him.

The other shrugs carelessly and looks at the crystal in his hands with a bored expression "I don't really care what you believe or not. You're not part of my duty. The felf is. I just decided to give you a last chance to see the truth and remember who you're indebted to..."

Sportacus shakes his head. More to himself. His voice sounds angry but also slightly confused "This doesn't even make any sense! At school they told us..."

"Oh, please! Of course they're still hundreds of felves out there! Humans aren't the only ones who can be weak and pathetic and 'fall in love' with the wrong person! And although most of these...glitches get reported soon enough so security can set in and keep even worse things from happening there are still some...parents who are too blind to see what danger their bastard child contains and try to hide it...or send it off... And for these cases we got special security persons. You might as well call them hunters. Their job is the most dangerous one out of all the 'hero duties'. And your parents surely were among the best of them..." Nine holds the crystal up against the light, blinding Sportacus with its reflecting shine, his voice becomes even more monotone "It's a shame. Everybody expected you to become just as good... But you didn't even make it to the upper class of heroes. You never had the guts to become a hunter," he laughs out "Just look at yourself! What would your father say, if he knew that you' love with his prey!?"

Sportacus winces and pales.

"What? Did you think I haven't noticed?! Oh, Sportacus..." with an acted pitying smile the Elder puts the crystal back into his pocket and folds his arms "You're as easy to read as an ordinary human. Maybe you've lived among them for too long? ...So... How does it feel, hm? Losing his heart to the murderer of your parents?..."

Sportacus doesn't know how or why.

But suddenly he's pressing Nine with his back against the wall. Cutting of his airways with his own arm while holding the other's wrists over his head, also pushing them onto the white metal with his other hand. His breathing is coming in short, sharp blows, his eyes are gleaming and his voice sounds low and unknown dangerous "Robbie has absolutely nothing to do with this!"

"So?! It was one of his race!" Nine is still sneering at him, gasping lightly, but not struggling against the grip "A felf! They're all the same! Just take a look in the mirror, and you find the proof!"

"It was an accident!" the hero feels his blood starting to boil "Robbie didn't..."

"Oh, wake up, you pathetic fool!" with a sudden, unexpectedly strong jerk Nine pushes the hero off.

With a surprised gasps Sportacus falls onto the ground and just glares at the other, too badly shaking with rage to get up.

Nine smirks and circles him "He's using you, Sportacus. That's what they do. Did he tell you a heartbreaking story? Did he tell you how bad I treated him? I know he did something like this. The moment you saw me here, I could see the hatred in your eyes... That's why your crystal stopped working as well, even before. He's poisoning you with his thoughts and pretensions about your own kind. Tricking you into doubting our system. Driving you even so far to attack me... That's why I've been waiting here for you, Sportacus..." he stops in front of the younger elf and offers him his hand, his smile sincere now "...It's not too late to come back yet... I want to help you, Ís..."

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