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Todays the big day we move from Upville which is my hometown. My mom told me this news at dinner 3 nights ago.  "So Alex," said Mom "I forgot to tell you we are moving to Royal Woods!" I sat there in shock. My friends, and my best friend Connor. "Why Mom?" Mom didn't answer so I just thought because maybe its a nice place to live.

As I looked out the window of the car when we driving into our new town, Royal Woods. It didn't look as bad as I thought, I was a little scared of what was to come thanks to my anxiety. Our house was a little bit bigger than our old home, next door the house looked crazy. As we were setting up our new home, there was a knock on our door. "I'll get it." I said to my Mom. As I opened the door there were 2 adults at the door and I told Mom to talk to them. After a while, my Mom asked me if I wanted to go over to the neighbors house to play with their son. As I walked to front door, I stood there for a few minutes cause I was a little scared to see what will happen. Will I be judged? Will I be hated? I took a deep breath, and then knocked on the door. As the door opened, behind it was the Mom of the house. "Good to meet you, Alex. My name is Rita and this Lincoln, our only son." As she said this Lincoln came down the stairs. "Lincoln, this is Alex, our newest neighbor. I hope you two can get along well!" she said as she went to sit back on the couch. As Lincoln led me up to his room we talked about stuff we had like video games or anything else. As we kept talking, I asked if I could use the bathroom and where it is. "Sure Alex, it's down the hall." he said to me. So, I walked to the other side of the hallway to get to the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and as I walked out to go back to Lincoln's room and I feel like a pair of eyes were glaring at me from one of the rooms on the side. I shrugged it off thinking that's just me being shy as always.

Later when I went back to Lincoln's room, his friend Clyde knocked on the door and Lincoln introduced me to him. It was about dinner time and Rita had also invited me to dinner, she said they were having meatloaf. "Before we go down there Alex, I warn you, my 10 sisters can be rowdy." 10 sisters? Oh god. As I walked down the stairs to their dining room, all the sisters turn to me and my face turned red like a tomato. I wasn't scared of girls, I was just really nervous of 10 girls maybe judging me. "Kids, this is Alex, our new next door neighbor. Alex, these are our daughters, Lori, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lynn, Lucy, Lana, Lola, Lisa and Lily." said Lynn Sr. who was the father of the family. "'s nice to meat you." I said as a joke with meat not meet. The girl with the yellow skirt laughed at my joke, her name was Luan. The table told me more Luan and how she was the comedian of the family. Lori is a person always on her phone, Leni is all about fashion, Luna liked to rock with music, Lynn did sports, Lucy did poetry and other creepy stuff, Lana is a sort of tomboy act, Lola who wants to be the best beauty queen, Lisa who is pretty smart and Lily is just a baby. As we all ate the meatloaf, I had ate it pretty quick. "Wow Mr. Loud, this is the greatest meatloaf i've ever had." I told him. He thanked me very much. As I finished up, I put my plate away and as I grabbed my stuff I brought over, I open my bag I brought my stuff in and put my 3ds in there and the few games I had. I walked out and closed the door behind me. As I was walking to my house, I was hit in the head with a paper airplane. I looked towards the Loud's house, and I saw brown hair walking away from the window. I decided to open up the paper airplane to see the note inside. As I opened it, I walked to my home. When I got in my room, I opened the note and inside it said.....

Hello Alex, to you, i'm anonymous, but i'd love for us to get to know each other better. Below is my phone number, call me tomorrow at the same time. (Below it all, was a heart)

The next day....

As the first day at this new school progresses I try to think, who sent me that note in the paper airplane. "Hey Alex, what are you doing all alone?" asked a familiar voice. I turn around to see a girl in a yellow skirt, wait, that's Luan. "Oh hey Luan, it's just that I don't feel welcome here with the other kids. Why do you even want to sit by me at an empty table?" I asked her. "Oh, well just looked really sad and lonely so I came to comfort you." she said as she smiled. When she smiled, I felt like we had a connection. I told her about the strange note that came from a window in their house. "Oh...that's.....that's.....weird." she said. As I sat there and ate my lunch with Luan, I felt like she wanted to be more than neighbors.

It was the same time as last night, I decided to call this number. "Hello?" I asked. "I'm glad you could call this number, Alex!" said Luan on the other side of the call. "Luan, why did you want me to call you? Is there something you need to tell me?" I asked her in a uneasy voice. "Alex, I think.....I think......I think, I love you." she said in a calming voice. What should I say? She's a nice girl and all but........screw my anxiety. I love her too much. "Alex? Do you hate me now, i'm sorry that was out of nowhe......" "I love you too, Luan." I said as I interrupted her sentence. " do?" she said with a shy voice. "I do, i'm sick and tired of being shy with my anxiety. I want to express my feelings without me feeling shy about expressing my feelings, I LOVE YOU TOO LUAN!" I told her. I ran over to the Loud's house and knocked on the door. Luan then opened the door and quickly hugged me. I melted into it and wrapped my arms around and cried happy tears. "Oh Alex, i'm glad you felt the same! I hope we never get split apart from each other!" said Luan very happy. All of the Loud family were on the couch watching TV and they thought we were cute together.

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