Chapter 14 - Time Destroyer

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WARNING: This is not the end of the series of Alex and these characters. This is the end of the story I've created. I'll do a side series later on. I hope you enjoy the end to a great story.

After the events of chapter 12 after the Dark Lord was defeated......

Crawling from the rubble of the castle was Evil Alex. Who was he and what was his purpose? Evil Alex was the evil part of Alex in a Yin-Yang like situation. Professor Brainstorm was warned about him. But with Luan's love he was able to over shadow the evilness to have the world stay peaceful. One night before the attack of the dark lord, Evil Alex escaped Alex's body to destroy the castle and steal Luan to make Alex freeze all movement.

Anyways this little punk had been hurt badly from the castle falling apart on him. Now we go to him planning his next plan which will cause the world harm.

"I hate heroes, always being so powerful. GAH! I HATE EM!" Evil Alex said as he slammed his hands down on the counter of Don's Pawn Shop. "Jeez man chill. Why are you here in the first place?" said Don scared. "You gave Alex and his losers powers right? What do you got? Answer me, or DIE." Evil Alex told Don as his hands were on fire like he was gonna fire punch Don. "Alright, but it will cost all you have. This is dangerous, it will overcome your body and make you strong enough to beat the ultimate hero." As he said this, he placed a robotic bracelet on the table. It radiated a dark powerful aura. Evil Alex put all of his money on the counter and grabbed the bracelet and had put it on his right arm. "Okay, so when will this start to wor......." Before Evil Alex could finish it clamped on his arm tight and started to overcome him. He had guns attached to his new robotic form. But the big part was the time travel clock. Nothing could go right. The world was doomed.

As I opened my eyes, I was lying on a rock hard floor. I was in a jail cell. Last thing I remember was saving the world and here I am, in the castle I had just destroyed. I was just sitting there. Alone. I tried to use my powers, but they weren't working. So I sat down and cried. Cried for help. Cried for Luan. Who knows what they could be doing to her. I cried for many minutes until a voice talked. "I think he's over here! C'mon!" The voice got closer and closer until the person was into view. I couldn't believe who I saw. Lex followed by Zero who were exhausted trying to find me. "Alex, are you okay? You look hurt." said Lex looking at my body. "I don't know, I feel empty with my luiginary like powers." I replied. "Wait, were there any guards or villains guarding the castle outside and entrance to this prison like part of the castle?" Lex shook his head no. Strange, last time there were villains guarding the floors of the castle. "Here, lets get you out." said Zero. Lex smashed the bars with his metal frying pan. We ran out of the prison branch of the castle. I was worried about Luan, where was she?

As we head up the floors looking for the others Zero came with, we heard yelps and cry's of villain like voices. We had even saw a group of Boos running from something but we didn't think much of it. Then we went up another floor. There we saw the Alex clones along with Luigi. "Hey you guys, it's us!" said Lex waving his hands getting their attention, the group ran over to us. " Alex darling, your dear little Luan has been taken by a shadow like figure." said Cute Alex "Also we found my friend in a cage." said Luigi. Luigi added that his friend could track down the location of my powers that I am missing. He told us it was down the hall. So we all ran down the hall into the room the cage was in.

When we reached the room, a cloaked figure was facing the villain guarding the cage. It was the boss of the Mafia from A Hat in Time. "So, cloaked figure. What do you think you doing here facing the boss of the Mafia in a big room like...." Before he could finish, the cloaked figure snapped his fingers and the villain was suddenly gone. The figure stood there and laughed like crazy. "That's all of them, now the big boss will be proud of all the work I've done." the figure said as it turned around. "Well, well, well. If it isn't him. I knew i'd run into you sooner or later. How? Well, I am a part of you." said the cloaked figure as he pulled down his cloak covering his head. It was Evil Alex, with one regular eye and the other robotic. "Wait, I thought we killed you when you were the Dark Lord?" questioned Zero. "Well, you did, but the Dark Lord form you did. That was my shell, in which you broke it. I'd call you a fool but you've helped me do a good favor. That favor is to CAUSE HELL AND DESTRUCTION! And now that, i'm done with my job, I can finish another one." as he said this, explosions were happening outside. Parts of other worlds were combining with our world. From the creatures of the nether from Minecraft to the hellish hordes of enemies from Mario. "Now that is done, how's about we settle our fight here?" asked Evil Alex as he started to take off the entire cloak to show his human/robot body off to us. "Alright then. How bad can it be?" said Luigi. After Luigi said that Evil Alex had shown off his guns on his sides and his laser cannon hand. "YOU ARE DONE FOR! NO ONE TO SAVE YOU NOW! MWHAHAHAHA!!! PREPARE TO BE ELIMIN....." Before he could finish, Evil Alex was freaking out looking like he was getting hacked or something. Then all of a sudden, Evil Alex's robot parts were destroyed leaving just him without his robot half so he was back to normal. "H-how?" he questioned. "Maybe I can answer that question." said a voice from behind Evil Alex. It was the Spy from Team Fortress 2, who had also unlocked the cage freeing Luigi's friend who was Dreambert. "Thank you stranger for freeing me, and nice to see you Luigi." said Dreambert with a happy smile. Dreambert is a character in M&L: Dream Team who was the way to get Mario to the dream world. Luigi had told Dreambert about our issue. "I see, well I sense it way up on the higher floor of this structure." "Great." I said. "It's all the way up at the top. Well, we better get some more help." After I said that, a wall was exploded and the Pyro and Engie from Team Fortress 2 came through with other heroes. Meta Knight, King Dedede, Ness, my Gengar with Professor Kukui and finally Ralsei from Deltarune. "So, before we do go my main colleague, what do we do with your Evil version?" asked Smart Alex. We all decided to stick him in the cage with a dunce cap and decided to take the cage with us to the top floor to show his boss not to hire a idiot.

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