Chapter 9 - A Battle for a Award

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As I woke up, I looked at Luan's side of the bed and she wasn't there. So I went to the dining hall to see if anybody saw her. "ALEX!!!!!" screamed a annoying voice. It was a Toad. "Toad, what do you want?" I asked. "I'd be careful, there has been some broken parts in the castle." As I looked around, on a wall was a note.

Hello Alex, you may not know me but I hope you know your lovely Luan has been captured by ME! Meet me in Dead Bird Studios if you want her back. ~Tukoo-Tukoo

"Wait, wha...wha....what?" I stuttered. I rolled to the dining hall where BoomSword, Zero, Lynn, Luigi and Peach were. "Alex? You don't look okay." said Luigi as he picked me up. He sat me down at the table. "Jeez Alex, you are sadder than a girl without her boyfriend at prom." said Zero trying to cheer me up. Pyro happened to walk by and pat me on the back. "Thanks. Buddy." I said to him. I showed everyone at the table the note. "Luan, captured? Oh no. Where would Dead Bird Studios be?" said Peach. We heard a scream from the portal room. "ALEX! HELP! SOMETHING HAPPENED!" Zero put me on his shoulders. Professor Brainstorm was having issues with the portals, but not the usual. There were feathers all over the floor. "What in the world happened Professor?" asked Zero. "ACHOO! *sniffle* I'm allergic to feathers. They seem to lead to a pur...ACHOO!" I hand the professor a tissue from my tissue box while Zero cleaned away the feathers. "Thanks, Alex and Zero. Anyways the feathers led to a purple portal. I hope you find Luan in there, Alex." said the professor.

As Zero and I jumped in, we knocked into a little girl with a hat. "Who are you, and where are we?" said Zero to the little girl. She pulled out a mini white board and wrote Dead Bird Studios. "Alex! We found the place!" said Zero happily. We followed the little girl down a elevator. After the elevator opened there were owls all over the place. Zero tried to get their attention but they looked weird. Up on a platform we could see a short slim person with some sort of bird mask. "AH! THEY'RE HERE! I mean. Well, well, well. Nice to see you, Alex. This is your army, a gunslinger and a little kid? HA!" The little girl pointed to a person tied up in a rope mumbling some sort of angry words. "Hey wait. You look just like he does, except your mouth doesn't move." I said. As he pulled off his mask, he was showing who he was. A small boy that looks similar to Lincoln but with black hair. "It is I! Tukoo-Tukoo!" I saw behind him was Luan with two other boys. Benny and a fat boy named Steven. "You. YOU! YOU WERE THE PERSON WHO TOOK THE ONE I LOVE!" I angrily told him. "Heh. Yes I am. I'm sure you know these two fellows behind me. Time for your act to end!" As my face turned red, I felt as heated as a fire ball. "YOU. WILL. PAYYYYY!!!!" I said as I learned to control my anger into fire magic. Out of nowhere came a paintbrush and a pallet. As I casted a fire spell the paint on the brush turned red. I had summoned a bird of fire and it struck Benny and Steven and caused them serious burn marks. My eyes flared blue and green and a clone army of 10 came and summoned together a meteor strike. "That hurt!" said Tukoo. "But I have one last move........" before he could use it Zero shot him with a stun gun and the little girl came up and struck the final blow with a strong umbrella. "I......will.....avenge....." before he could finish his words again, the real bird came up and kicked him the the jaw through the roof into a portal. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR TYING ME UP YOU PECK NECK!" said the bird called The Conductor. I ran over to Luan and cut through the rope. "Oh Luan! I'm so sorry! I never heard them come in. I cried my eyes out. I WAS WORRIED SICK!" I said as I fell to floor crying. "Umm. Hey lassie, is your boy here going to be okay?" said The Conductor.

Few hours later......

"Luan, do you know where Alex went?" said Zero worried about his friend. "No, I haven't and i'm worried about him." As they searched and searched for their lost friend, Luan had a idea where Alex could have been. "Alex! Are you here?" yelled Luan near the pool in the Mushroom Kingdom's indoor pool room. She heard Alex crying near his favorite seat. Luan slowly walked up to him hoping he was okay. "Alex? Are you okay?" asked Luan. He shakes his head no. "Look, I know it wasn't your fault but you saved me is the important part." No response came from Alex at all. Alex has been acting really moody lately, Luan thought to herself. "Fine if you won't talk to me.....I'LL LEAVE YOU!" she said angrily. He cried harder. Luan felt bad for the very rude comment she made. Luan quietly sneaked up, and kissed him on his cheek. Hmmm, he still is crying, I guess i'll need to do it in a romantic fashion, Luan thought to herself. As Alex got back up in his seat, Luan ran to him and kissed him like she never had before. Alex's eyes were freaking out as the attitude changing spirit flew out of his head and disintegrated. Alex had stopped moving and layed back in the seat, eyes closed. Luan thought he died, and teared up. But Alex's eyes opened slowly. "Lu....luan..? Is" he stuttered. "ALEX! YOU'RE BACK TO NORMAL!" she said cheerfully as she ran back to him and kissed it out. "Luan. I'm sorry for what happened with me. I didn't feel like myself." he said to Luan. She smiled and said, "It's okay my brave boy. I know it wasn't you causing your weird mood switches. Just so you know, I don't think we'll break up anytime soon." Alex had blushed and smiled and so was Luan. Before they left, they hugged more than they ever had and their love was more stronger.

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