Chapter 10 - Strange Happening of Love (DDLC)

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As the events from last night flash back to my head, I felt a strange force flowing through me. When I heard knocking on the door I lost that feeling whatever it was. As I got up and opened the door, behind the door was box of Pokeballs and a note. Dear Alex, if you are reading this note these are Pokemon entrusted to you. Don't worry, they'll obey you like they always did! Signed, Kukui. Like they always did, I thought to myself. I went outside and opened the Pokeballs to see what he meant by they. Out came a group of Pokemon from their balls. There was Scizor, Registeel, Regirock, Azumarill, Alolan Marowak and Shiny Shellder. "Wow, all the Pokemon from my team! I'll have to thank Kukui when I see him." I said. After I had put them back in their separate balls I walked back into the castle and notice the lights were dimmed. That's strange, maybe the lights are broken, I thought to myself. I walked back to my room with the box that had the Pokeballs in it. Before I opened the door to the room, there was note stuck to the front of the door. Meet me in the pool room darling. Did Luan make this note? Behind me was a rose petal trail I never saw when I came out and back in the castle. I followed the trail to the dining hall. In it was Zero and Lynn hanging with each other. "Hey Zero, why are the lights dimmed? Are the lights in the castle not working right?" As I said this, Zero got up and came over to me and said, "No they aren't broken Alex. Luan had set this up for you." I thought to myself what she was doing with everyone. Zero had walked back to Lynn and they started kissing. "Okay then? I' to you both at dinner." As I continued to the pool room, there was nobody else around. When I reached the pool, the rose petals ended and I walked in. "Hello? Anyone here?" I said quietly while stuttering. "Hello darling." said a voice out of nowhere. "Luan? Wh...where are you?" After I said that I heard footsteps and out came Luan in a very cute bikini. "Luan! Ummm...wh...wh...what is this all about?" I said to her. Luan was walking up to me and then whispered in my ear, "Its about time we had a date night." "Luan, Prof. Brainstorm had an assignment for me today though." I said worryingly. "Oh Alex you don't have to worry about anybody today. It's just you and me today." Something was up. She was never this attached to me before. "Are you alright? Your acting strangely attached to me." She giggled in a cute way. "Oh you, with your jokes. There is never anything wrong. Come take a dip in the pool." Before I knew it she was in the pool waiting for me to change into my pool shorts. Why is she being so charming, I can't stay in the boy's changing room for long, I said to myself. As I reached in my pocket to call Luigi to see if he can help, my phone was gone. I had put it in there though. Okay, now something is really strange. I walked out in my changed swimming wear and I notice the door was shut and locked. Chills go down my spine. "Oh there you are darling love. Come and swim with me, the water is as fine as you." Luan said while making hand motions to get in. Why are my legs moving? Legs stop moving! Before I knew it, I was in the water and very close to Luan. Her eyes had heart shaped pupils, which isn't very normal. She had started kissing me all over and I started to turn bright red. "When I drank that red liquid I didn't know what would happen but now I have the power of loving you so much." Red liquid? Oh no, I must have had to been experimenting with potions with my Scientist powers from Don. There was nothing I could do, until night time when it wears off. "Are you alright darling o' mine? You look like you've never loved me. Oh don't worry Alex, everything will be completely fine." After that she did a very long kiss that put me in a coma.

"Ahhhhh......wh..wh...where am I?" I said. It looked like sunset from the ceiling window. Perfect its almost wearing off. "Your awake! Lovely." said Luan who was in front of me. I was strapped to the bench in the pool room. "What are you doing with me!" I screamed. "Oh just loving you more than anyone has loved someone ever!" Luan said as she started kissing and hugging me all over and started being weirdly affectionate. "I WISH THIS COULD STOP!!!!!!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed. "Alex! Can you please not scream so loud? I'm trying to sleep." said Zero in his bed. I looked around the room. Everything was back to normal. "Alex? Are you alright?" said Luan right next to me sitting up with me in my bed. "Stay away you love potion drinking cutie!" I said as I cried. "Alex, what are you talking about? You never made any love potion from what I remember. After we left the pool room in the castle, we went to eat and came back to our room." she said as she rubbed my back to comfort me. "Professor Brainstorm had put you in a test of his newest machine. The Nightmare Maker. It puts people in a nightmare created with their recent thoughts." said Zero before going back to sleep. As I explained the story to Luan, she blushed. "Poor Alex, are you alright now?" said Luan still rubbing my back to comfort me. "Yeah. Wait, what is this in my hand?" As I looked in my hand was a note and the box of my Pokemon team. Do you dare face saving the world from the chaos the villains are causing? Take your friends and, please. Save. Me. Signed,...... There was nothing after Signed. "Who do you think is this mysterious person who gave you this note. Also, how did it get there?" Luan questioned. "I don't know, but i'm glad it was just a dream about you being very clingy." I said. As she kissed me goodnight and slept next to me, she quietly told me, "Having a date night wouldn't be such a bad thing. Maybe we can have Zero and Lynn come with us for a double date." "Sure, how about tomorrow?" I asked. She rolled over and hugged me and whispered, "It's perfect, like our love together."

Note: Make sure to minimize on the nightmares on testers when next time testing it.

"Perhaps I could make a machine to make fairy tale like dreams." Professor Brainstorm said to himself. "I shouldn't have put Alex through that mess." A knock on the portal room door was heard by the professor and he opened it, behind the door was a figure in black. "I wasn't expecting a visitor tonight. Who are you and why are you here?" "My identity isn't important, what is important is you needing to watch that boy, Alex. He has had a strange villainous force flowing through him at certain times." "How do you know this strange fellow?." "I can feel his evil powers rising. Something will and happen to go wrong with him. Keep your best eye on him." Just like that, the figure had vanished into a cloud of black thick smoke.

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