Chapter 2 - A War of Many

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It was just a normal day in Royal Woods as usual, the newspaper boy handed out the paper, the mailman came with the mail and the Loud's house was.....well.......loud of course. I asked my mom if it was okay for me to go see what Lincoln is up to. "Yes you can Alex, just be careful with that 3DS of yours." said my mom before I left. I was bringing over my 3DS to show Lincoln my game of Mario and Luigi Dream Team. As I was walking up to the house I saw a boy walking in. It wasn't Lincoln or Clyde. I just shrugged thinking it was one of Lori's friends coming over for a visit. As I was walking walking up the stairs, I saw the boy walk into my love, Luan's room. I got suspicous so I sneaked by the door to see whats going on. He was sitting with Luan on her talking and hugging her. I walked in and said, "Hey Luan, who is your friend next to you?". She looked at me and gasped. The boy got up and said hello to me. "Nice to meet you Alex, i'm Benny, Luan's boyfriend." My eyes got big. I looked at him and said, "That's funny, but i'm actually Luan's boyfriend." "Alex! I can explain!", said Luan freaking out. Benny got angry at me for thinking that I made Luan look bad, and punched me real good. I cried and crawled my way to Lincoln's room with 3DS still in hand. " there? Its me.........Alex." Lincoln opened the door and said, "Alex! What happened buddy?" I explain to him Luan's new boyfriend beat me up. We talked a long time to cheer me up. On my way out, a hand grabbed me and we went to a house. I asked the weird man who he was. "The name's Zero, partner. I saw your bruises when you came out of the house. I brought you here to teach you a magical power that isn't very capable by many people." "Zero?", I asked. "Aren't you a gunslinger?" Zero said, "Yes but I can give you this power with no charge. No money at all. First, who's your idol in life?" I told him Luigi from the games Mario and Luigi. "I see. Here, drink this green and blue drink." I didn't ask him why so I just chugged them down. "Ewwww what is in this drink?" He said not to worry and to just go see Benny again at the same house and fight him. I came back home and went to bed. I had weird dreams that night. Next morning I woke up, and walked over to the Loud's house. Luan was sitting on the porch waiting for Benny. Benny came at the same time as I did. "Wait here Benny." I asked all the other sisters and Lincoln to watch the fight. Once everybody was outside, I was ready to fight Benny. I saw Zero within the crowd of the neighbors that were watching. He gave me thumbs up. Benny came for the first punch and punched hard, I went down to the ground. I got full of rage that one of eyes were having a green flame and the other eye was blue. As I was about to release all the rage, clones that looked like me where all around me. Everybody was surprised, except Zero who knew this was going to happen. Benny looked scared like he saw a combo of all the scary games with jump scares. The clones of me came together as hammer like in Mario and Luigi Dream Team. The hammer of my clones smashed down on Benny. He was crushed like a extra thin pancake! Clyde got here at the end of the match, "Hey Lincoln, did I miss the match?" Lincoln shakes his head yes. Luan came off the porch and announced the winner, "And the winner of this battle, and my heart is Alex!" All the clones disappeared like in Mario and Luigi Dream Team. As I walked up to him, I told him, "Well Benny, looks like your princess is in another castle. Never mess with my girl, got it?" Benny gave a thumbs up. I rolled his flat body like in Paper Mario: TTYD and rolled him far away. "Well looks like he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. After all I rolled him, but the world didn't." I walked up to Luan and kissed her like never before.

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