Chapter 12 - The Crisis for Everyone

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Silent it was when I woke up from my sleep, I look at my side and Luan wasn't there. The door was busted, and I freaked out. Even Zero wasn't in his bed. I ran out the bedroom door to see Luigi without his cap and by his side was Princess Peach trying to get him up. On the other side of the hall was graffiti. Who or what attacked I said to myself. I ran to Luigi's aid and asked Peach what the heck happened. "I don't know, there were loud noises, lots of laughing, explosions and such. Alex, you must get the others." Peach said almost crying looking around at her poor castle.

As I woke up some of the best heroes we had at the time, Alexander Boomsword, Pyro and Engineer. Luigi was at the table along with Professor Brainstorm. "Alex different portals have opened and I can't close them because of a lock that we can break unless we find the person who put it there." said the professor worryingly. As he said this I heard some footsteps from the hall down from the dinner table. From the room was a mom, a boy wielding a baseball bat, a knight with bat wings and a sword, two squids and a big penguin. "How did you people get here?" I asked this familiar group. They told us they saw these portals in their homeworlds. 2 more noises were heard from the portal room. Then a purple haired girl and......oh no. Monika.

"Alex?" Monika said in a happy way. She ran towards me for hug and I dodged quickly. "Now is not the time." Now, who are you all? "Lemme take care of this." said the knight. "I'm Meta Knight, and the big penguin friend of mine is King Dedede." Up came the boy with the bat. He whispered in my ear his name. His name was Ness. "I'm sure you can know who we are!" said Callie and Marie doing their STAY FRESH poses. And then the mom came up and told her name. "Nice to met you kind sir, i'm 5-Volt. I'm sure these people and I are sorry for abruptly bothering you. " Then the big girl with the purple hair came and winked and said, "The names Camilla darling." All these heroes came at the right time we need them most. Peach has filled in these video game characters our issue. "Well that explains why this place never looked safe when we came though." said Marie. Suddenly. Bowser's koopa cruiser crashes the ceiling. "HEY ALEX! I'M HERE FOR LU...." Tukoo-Tukoo was then interrupted when Meta Knight jumped up and slashed the koopa cruiser in half. "What the hell was that?" He turns around to see Meta Knight who had sliced it in half. "HOW DARE YOU!" BONK! Tukko-Tukko fell on the floor face first after 5-Volt had smashed a frying pan on the back of his head. "How did he get Bowser's cruiser?" asked Luigi. I think maybe he stole it but.......before I could finish my thinking, I fell on my knees on the floor. "Alex, are you okay?" asked the professor when he came over to me. I couldn't speak and I didn't know why. I only heard one word out of my mouth. Luan. I knew something was going wrong with her. "This is bad, Alex can't fight in his condition. C'mon girls lets comfort him and clean up this place with the help of my friendly toads." said Peach pointing to the group of females. Then she pointed to the few men who are in shape to battle. "Now you gentlemen, please go find our friends and bring them back from whoever captured them." Luigi stood up and acted like a man and lead the men to the portal room. I still sat there on my knees and I couldn't move or anything. Frozen, it was terrible.

As our gang of great strong heroes entered the portal, they stood in front of a walkway towards a scary looking castle. Luigi was very scared of what was going to happen. "Umm. Excuse me, who may you fellas be?" asked a voice. Luigi jumped and almost smashed the boy with his hammer. The boy looked similar to Alex, but he weirder. "Hiya, my names Lex and im here to save the world by defeating the Dark Lord." Meta Knight went up to Lex and asked, "Do you know 2 people named Luan and Zero?" Lex had to think for a moment before answering. "I did see the dark lord carrying 2 cages along with a big cage with some girls in it. Say, if you help me defeat the dark lord, ill help save your friends. Deal?" They all agreed to the deal and went inside the castle.

Back at Peach's Castle.....

As Peach and 5-Volt were making me something to cheer me up. Monika and Camilla just sat there with me and tried to make me relaxed by rubbing me head or telling me Luan will be alright. I just sat there. I couldn't do anything but look and hear whats going on around me. Then suddenly, I smelled something, something nice. I could move my mouth again and not repeat the word Luan. "I can finally speak and not repeat Luan." I smiled. I heard the footsteps of Peach and 5-Volt with a plate and put it in front of me. On the plate was the only thing to make me happy other than Luan. Pizza. After that Monika and Camilla had left to go back to their worlds while I still sat there on my knees. "Hey, um 5-Volt. I need some help with this pizza. I can't move my arms still." I said to her. "Oh my bad, i'm sorry I forgot about that, here." she said as she slowly brought up the pizza slice to my mouth as I opened it. I took and bite and she put the slice back down on the plate while I chewed on it. She made me feel like she was Luan in someway.

Back to the heroes.....

As they wandered in the castle, Luigi becomes more scared than usual which could mean something bad would happen. "Let us out you monster!" yelled a voice along with a few people agreeing. Lex pointed towards the voices saying, "There he is! The Dark Lord and your friends!" Evil laughter was heard down the hall as they ran towards the Dark Lord's throne room. As the heroes reached the room they looked at all the cages with their friends inside. "Lex! There you are!" said Smart Alex in a cage. "Wait, Smart Alex, how did you get here? " asked Luigi. Smart Alex explained that they are Alex's personal guards of Luan and they were knocked out cold and were put it cages. He also explained the story behind Lex. Lex is a clone of Alex but was changed to notice a difference. When Smart Alex was in the cage he still had his phone to call Lex to save them. "MWHAHAHAHAHA! FOOOOOOOOOOOLS!" laughed the voice. Then suddenly out of nowhere came the Dark Lord with a face like Alex's but with evil eyebrows. "Thats Evil Alex, he somehow got ultimate powers but you heroes need to stop him!" The heroes got ready, but before they could attack 2 face-less imps came out of nowhere then Luan and Zero's faces flew on the 2 imps to fight along Dark Lord Evil Alex. "Do you really think you stand a chance, fools? said Evil Alex laughing his head off. Luigi was sick of his crap and pulled out the polter-gust because the Dark Lord looked close enough as a ghost. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......wait is that a vacuum? Whats that going to do? HA!" Luigi then turned it on tried to suck him up. "OH NO! I'm getting pulled in! IMPS, HELP!!!!" Before the stolen face imps could attack Luigi, King Dedede hit them to the wall to kill them. The faces of Luan and Zero flew to their bodies. "TAKE THIS!" said the Dark Lord as he was about to knock out Luigi. Before he could, Ness used his PSI power to finish off the Dark Lord. As he was defeated, Evil Alex turned back to normal. "Curse, you......" as Evil Alex laid face first onto the floor. As the cages open, the castle starts to crumble. "EVERYONE LETS GET OUTTA HERE!"

Back at Peach's Castle.....

I sat at the dinning table in the castle with 5-Volt's meal. Thanks to her comforting me very much like Luan would, I was able to move to the table and eat. "Alex you here?" said Luigi down the hall. I replied with yes. The heroes walk towards the dining room with the saved versions of Alex, the rest of the Loud Sisters, Daisy who was disguised as Luan at the start of this madness  Zero and...... "LUAN!!!! YOUR OKAY! I MISSED YOU I WAS WORRIED I....I...I...." Before I could finish she hugged me so I would stop worrying and that she was alright. I cried over her shoulder telling how much I was sorry and that I missed her. "Hey there young fellers." said a voice behind Luigi. It was E. Gadd. "I heard you had a issue with a boy stuck in a painting from King Boo. Worry not, I brought a copy of my machine that turns this boy back into a actual person. Come, bring him outside Luigi and friends." He led us outside with us carrying Clyde in the painting. He put the painting on the machine to turn him back into himself. "AHHHH!" screamed Clyde as he was shot out of the machine like what happen to Mario when that happened to him. "Clyde, you alright buddy?" I asked him. He then told me what was going on with where he and Lincoln was and how scary it was to be in the painting. "Alright gang, looks like we got a castle to crash." I said. On the ground was Luigi's hat. "Oh, there was where my hat went all day."

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