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I was sitting at a cafe drinking tea listening to my target discuss a plan that has to do with the colonel watts and the insurrections, I heard a beeping noise from my left and look at the wall where a red light is flashing I jump out of my seat and run to the bomb, I take it off the wall and throw it out the window and up in the sky
BOOM. My body flies back and hits a wall
"Uhh" I fall to the ground trying to get air back into my lungs, I jump up grabbing the pistol from my back holster and point it where I hear gunshots
I run outside to see UNSC soldiers fighting and losing against insurrections
A couple of insurrections soldiers run out of a building with a brief case
I run to a UNSC soldier giving out orders "hey, what's the situation" he pushes me back "stay out of this ma'am get out of here before you get hurt" I shoot a guy behind him "my name is not ma'am it's agent l/n to you" "sorry agent l/n a prototype bomb was just taken out of our custody" I nod "I'll be right back" I switch my AI on "hey Mathew where were the soldiers heading after they ran out of the building" " head to the market in the middle of town" "thanks" I start running and I spot them "excuse me, out of the way" I push past people I see two of them heading for an opening I run and jump onto a table running to the other end I jump and grab one of the guys and flip him over and onto the ground. He grabs a gun I grab it and knock it away he try's to punch me I grab and twist his hand I push it up and punch him a couple of times in the chest, I see the other guy come out from around the corner I knock the guy I am punching to the ground and grab the closet thing there is to me which is a basket and throw it at the other guys chest it lands by his feet and I kick his feet out, I run at the other soldier that is still getting up, I step up his knee and wrap my legs around his other arm and swing to the other guy grabbing him and flipping both of them over, while holding onto the guys hand with the gun in it I swing my leg over and kick the other in the face, I throw the gun away a few feet and I see a gun under the man and try and get it, he tries to get up and I punch his throat and I look at the gun that I threw and summer salt and grab it and stand up quickly and point it at one of them with the other gun while the other man pulls out the prototype "drop it or I drop this" I keep looking at the guy with the gun not standing down "I said drop it!!" I hear a gun shot and I see in slow motion the man with the prototype slowly dropping to the ground and the bomb falling out of his hand, I shoot the guy with the gun and quickly reach down bending acrobatically and grabbing the bomb not letting my back touch the ground and flip back up, I look in the direction the bullet came from and see a ONI agent come out of the shadows he walks towards me "agent l/n we need you back at headquarters it's urgent" I nod my head and start walking with him to a pelican and heading off to headquarters for probably my next mission, as we leave atmosphere I see a case for the prototype and carefully place it in there and close and lock the case, I walk to the cockpit and go into the co pilot seat "what's your name agent" "my name is agent locus"

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