**Chapter 1**

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A twig snapped somwhere. I jumped out of my skin at the sudden noice before realising it was my own feet breaking it in two, as I tread the familier path in the woods, but it doesnt seem familier not anymore, not without her by my side. Everything looks so serious so daunting, the trees seem to watch me and whisper my name, the bushes judging me harshly as I pursue the muddy path. The bird's flitter around the trees and a squirrel runs up the trunk of a particulay tall Oak. I raise my bow and arrow and fire... But I miss, ever since I came here alone I seem to have lost my touch for hunting, The supplies we used to bring in for the village are going down, I just cant seem to hunt alone.

I reluctantly walk back with only two game birds, which I shot badly piercing the skin not my useal clean shot, and a bag of berries much less than Katniss would ever have brought back. I wont get much for this. Definaly no meat tonight. Maybe some soup, and if im lucky really lucky some bread, then hopefully Prim's goat will have given her some cheese today, but this is all depending on if anyone will take the game of me. I walk silently through the trees finally reaching the hollow Oak where I carefully replace her Bow and Arrow and my knife. As I keep walking everything I see reminds me of her, the Katniss roots along the banks which she was named after, the squirrels, she would have shot so perfectly scurrying up the trees, even the clouds floating by without a care in the world. Now as I approach the electric fence I see the hole she cut for us to climb through. I stop and listen just for a second for the faint hum of electisity flowing through it. But this is district 12, we can barely afford food, let alone electicity so I crawl through.

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