**Chapter 3**

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I drag my eyes to the T.V and it currently shows Cato the Tribute boy from 3, he's with the girl, Glimmer. I hate the way they find this funny, the way they laugh at jokes and play these pettie games. I hear them mention Katniss, they're plotting against her. Shes one of the strongest left, they want her out.

I panic. Wish I could shout out to her, tell her what they are saying, protect her. But I cant.

I look away again as Prim takes the food off her mother and hands me some to. I feel too sick, I dont want to eat. But we have cheese and bread so I force it down, tommorrow we may just have nothing. Her mother walks of again, dissapearing up the stairs.I look back at Prim who has tears in her eyes again. I promised Katniss I would look after her. And I will, even if it kills me.

We both finish eating and put our eyes back on the telle, Katniss is there and I cant help but show a little smile at the sight of her alive, shes hunting and doing it perfectly as always. We watch silently and strangely happily, until Peeta comes into veiw. I suddenly feel angry, like my blood wants to boil over like in a witch's cauldren. I cant even really understand why. I mean I dont love Katniss, I just dont want him too, do I? Shes the only girl ive ever been close too and now hes gone and taken that away from me. I saw him kiss her the other day. They have this Star cross lovers thing going, I still cant work out if this is an act or not.... It better be though, I can't loose her.

As the days pass food is scarse. Prim is noticebly thinner and my little sister Posy is becoming weaker. Im doing everything I can for our families. Yet its still not enough. The Games are becoming tougher now and only 4 remain so the Capital are having more of an imput. They want it over with and recently changed the rules so that if both tributes belong in the same district they can both win. Katniss and Peeta are the only pair remaining. This gives our district hope. Something we havent had for a long time. Hope... Hope is the only thing stronger than fear.

I scuff my feet along the gravel paths after having been to the Hob again to trade in the little supplies I got from hunting that morning. I return to Prim's house to give her some more berries from my day and I stay with them for a while, knowing going home means having to take more responsibilty. By the end of the day, Foxface is dead. Only 3 left.

The Capitol create mutts to go in and kill of the remaing competetors. But Katniss and Peeta do make a good team. Soon enough Cato lays dead. The Capitol change the rules again, explaining only one can win.... My heart leaps, and Prim breaks down into tears but I know Katniss will win. Shes stronger than him. But she doesnt shoot and nor does he. Instead they take the berries that killed Foxface and agree to both die. To kill themselves. To end it all.

“NO” I yell at the telle... “Katniss.. no..” I collapse myself onto the floor pleading with the telle as I hear Prim sobbing behind me, her mother trying to comfort her “Don't... you can win... come home...please, I need you” I watch in silence and horror as she raises the berries to her mouth crying uncontrollably, "please... please please dont."

Suddenly the silence is broken by Claudius Templesmith's voice “Stop! Stop! Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to present the victors of the Seventy-forth Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark. I give you- the tributes of District Twelve!"

I look in shock and rub my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2012 ⏰

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