**Chapter 2**

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The gravel shifts under my feet and little clouds of dust fly up from the path. I reach the Hob and approach the little buliding on the end. A short, stocky woman with long brown hair greying at the roots, her eyes look heavy and dark and her arms are covered in blood from the meat.

“Gale, hello” she looks up at me a broad grin on her face.

“Afternoon Rooba” I hold up the game hanging from my belt. “Sorry not much today, but are you interested?” She takes the game scanning it.

“Not very clean Gale... What happened?” I look down frowning.

“I know, im sorry. I havent really been focused since.. “ I pause. She seems to understand and she nods lightly.

“Well, I suppose I can give you something for it” She spends some time taking the game and rummaging round for some money, she hands it to me in my useal drawsting pouch.

“Thanks Rooba... Ill bring you something better next time” She just smiles and waves me out. As return back to the road, I count out the money. Its a very generous price for what I gave her. Well I think she just understands how harder time I'm having right now. I continue heading down the road and as I reach the end I see the bakery of District 12, I pause outside it and hear raised voices shouting at one another. I didnt catch the words, nor do I think I want to. As I peer round the door Mr Mallark sees me and immediately stops talking, I think he recognises me. I keep my gaze down not wating to talk to him or anyone.

When I finally reach Katniss' house I walk in to an empty kitchen, it looks alomost abandoned now, Katniss used to bring flowers in from the meadow to brighten it up but now the flowers stand dead in the broken vase, probally the same way Katniss is going. I know I shouldn't think like that but how can I not? The Hunger Games are evil, designed to make you think like that, to drive you crazy, make you expect the worse and well I do, Its what the Capital wants. The only noise comes from the faint buzz of the T.V which is being forced to stay on by the peacekeepers.

I did well today, considering the lame amount I brought in. I empty the rest of the berries into a small china bowel on the worktops and pull the slightly stale bread out of my bag, just as im cutting it apart Prim comes down the stairs wearing the same dress since the day of the reaping, since the day her name was called out, snd Katniss took her place it the games, since the day her sister her role model her idol was practically given a death sentence.She just looks at me not managing a smile, she curls up in Katniss' useal armchair keeping her eyes away from the T.V and Buttercup climbs up next to her.

I watch her for a minute before finishing up in the kitchen leaving it tidy and sit on the arm beside her. I look down at her tired tearstained face, wanting to comfort her but having no words that mean anything. I stroke her hair softly knowing just this means a lot to her. After a few minutes I ask her “Wheres your mother.”

She just shrugs and cuddles into my side, I continue to stroke her hair for what seems like forever. Soon enough Katniss' mother walks down the stairs. Shes a mess. Katniss was the one who used to look after Prim, and now shes been left with the job, she flashes me a weak smile and walks to the kitchen dishing out the food I brought in.  

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