Part One~

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My arms shook as the gun went off in my hand. The auburn haired male flipped around to stare at me in surprise. I had missed...but was I really surprised by that? I wasn't trained to fight like this. I was just backup in case things weren't going well for the others. I had shot to protect Brian from Luciano, the said auburn haired male. Even if the shot only ended up distracting him, it gave Brian enough time to hide.

But that left my hiding spot exposed. I quickly ducked down, searching to see if there was anywhere else I could go.

"So it's true," I could hear Luciano, who seemed to be getting closer. "I've had my suspicions you weren't just a medic for a while now. Your aim is terrible, by the way."

I didn't know what to do. My body was frozen from the fear. What would happen if he reached me? Would I be killed? Or would I be captured like Feliciano was? This mission was just so Ludwig and Kiku could rescue him. It would be pointless if I was captured as well. Everyone would be forced to repeat this.

"Dammit..." I had to risk it.

I forced myself to peek and see how far away he was. Too close for comfort. But he hadn't drawn any of his weapons yet, so that was a plus. Everyone else was busy dealing with the other 2ps, so they hadn't noticed that I was in trouble. My jaw clenched as I shot at him once more so I could try and run.

I managed to reach the beginning of the forest, but stopped in shock when a golden throwing knife embedded into the tree by my head. Maybe I should have just kept going. Instead, I flipped around to face him.

"Ragazza~" he cooed as he advanced on me. "Do you really think I'm going to let you get away?"

"I'm not a 1p, you might as well," I tried to reason with him. "What good do you get from taking their medic...slash distraction girl."

"Hm...are you sure they don't just keep you for your looks?"

"Don't joke," I glared.

"I would keep you around for that reason," he smirked. "Any talents you had on top of that would be added bonus. Just make this easy, and come with me. Or would you like to be injured?"

"(Name)! Watch it!"

I jumped back at the sound of Brian's voice. Luciano narrowly avoided the bullet he shot. I ran as fast as I could, hoping he wouldn't be able to follow. Eventually, I was able to reach the meetup spot we had decided on beforehand. Brian was already there.

"Thanks for earlier," I told him.

"Same to you," he hugged me. "The only reason you were in danger was because you were helping me out."

"I guess that's true..."

"Let's get out of here," Brian moved to start heading towards town. "We've helped as much as we can. Ludwig and Kiku were able to rescue Feliciano and they got back safely. Everyone else is retreating."

"Got it," I pulled out my phone to check it. "Nobody has reported any injuries, so that's good news."

"Yeah, it is," Brian agreed. "But there was one problem to this mission."

"What?" I questioned, confused. "I thought everyone is safe?"

"Almost everyone. From what I heard, Luciano is interested in you. That's dangerous. You'll have to be more careful from now on."

I was quiet for a moment. "It will be fine. He can't actually be interested in me. I'm nothing special."

"Don't be stupid," Brian criticized. "You're an important part of this team."

Amusement Park Interlude (2p! Italy)Where stories live. Discover now