Part Three~

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I wandered down the street, my mind surprisingly blank. I didn't need to be walking, considering Kayla wasn't using the car today and my destination was on the other side of town, but it was nice outside at the moment.

"Your date must have gone really well if you're going to see him again," Kayla was acting very smug before I left. "I wish you would have told me more. Come on, come on! Did you kiss or anything?"

She had pressed me for more details all week, but I didn't want to admit he had kissed me, or that I kind of wanted to see him again. It's not that I didn't want her to know...I just wasn't sure what to do about all of this yet. The situation was too complicated for me to gossip with her about it like normal.

I was meeting with Luciano at a coffee shop that was closer to his house than the rest of town. None of the first players lived anywhere near that area, so I wasn't likely to run into any of them. The con to that was the probability of running into the second players since they all lived over there.

"Even if it's Sunday, it's pretty brave to come around here, dollface," I heard from behind me.

I turned to see Allen and Oliver. It was actually pretty rare to see Oliver at all. He generally stayed out of all the fights that went on.

"The only reason I can is because it's Sunday," I replied.

"What could you possibly need out this way?" Oliver questioned. "There is hardly anything out here."

Before I could even answer, Allen grinned.

"Luciano got his hooks in you, ain't that right doll?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," I tried to not be overly defensive, but my face did flush a bit.

"Oh! Is this the girl that he has been pursuing?" Oliver questioned.

"Yeah," Allen nodded. "Are you going to meet him?"

"Of course not," I glared. "Mind your own business, will you?"

He laughed. "So defensive."

"Have fun, poppet," Oliver gave a friendly wave as the two walked away.

I sighed, but kept going. It didn't take too much longer to get there.

Luciano was already there, sitting at a table towards the back of the shop. He beckoned me over, so I sat across from him.

"You weren't waiting long, right?" I had hoped to be here before him.

"Not at all," he smiled. "I'm just glad you came."

He passed me a cup of coffee. When I took a sip, I was surprised that it was my favorite thing to order from most coffee shops.

"Wait...did you know this was my favorite?"

"I took a guess," he replied. "Every time I've seen you with coffee, it's always been this. I could have waited for you to order, but you wouldn't have let me pay, right?"

"I feel bad when people pay for me..." I muttered. "I don't want to be inconveniencing them."

"You think you would be an inconvenience to me? I get rid of anything of the sort."

"That...doesn't surprise me," I forced myself to laugh. "By the way, did you tell Allen about...last Sunday...?"

"No, I did not," he answered. "Although I can't say if Flavio, Kuro or Lutz said anything to the others. Did you run into him on the way here?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "Him and Oliver. He asked if I was coming to see you."

"What else would you be on this side of town for?" he smirked.

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