Part Two~

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"Well, if it isn't the ragazza~" Luciano's voice came from behind me.

It was Sunday, the only day of peace in the city. I would always go out with Kayla to do things on these days, and we had ran into Luciano like this more times than I could count. Every single time he would pull me into a conversation. Sometimes she would join in, but most of the time Kayla would just be listening in.

"Well, if it isn't Luciano," I mocked.

"Sunday is the only time you will give me the time of day," he ignored it. "I'm pleased we can always run into each other like this."

"It's as if you're always keeping tabs on me to know where I am," I was slightly disgruntled.

"And what if I am?" he smirked.

"It would be creepy," I decided to be blunt. "Although that's not surprising coming from you. You're always hunting me down during fights."

"I would be happy if you came to me one of these days. Or if you surrendered yourself to me on the battlefield."

"Not a chance," I grinned.

"It seems I always have to make the first move," he sighed. "Care to join me for coffee?"

"I'm with Kayla right now. We already have plans."

It looked like she was about to speak up, most likely to tell me to go with him. I sent her a look telling her not to say anything.

"Since you're busy right now, I know the solution to that," there was a cocky look on his face. "I'll make plans in advance. Please allow me to treat you to dinner next Sunday."

I was completely baffled. "You...want me to...what?"

"I'm asking you on a date," he was clearly amused.

Kayla was ready to burst with excitement. She always wanted to ignore how dangerous he was...not to mention he was trying to kidnap me when it wasn't Sunday. I don't know how many times I had explained the situation to her, but she had it in her head that it wasn't the whole story because of how friendly Luciano was to me on Sundays.

"But why?"

"Do I need a reason to ask? I want to go on a date with you, what other reason do I need?"

"You're up to something..." I muttered, not trusting him one bit. "You would just try to capture me if I said yes."

"Have I ever broken the rules of our day of peace before?" he lifted his hand to his chest, as if what I said truly hurt him. "I have had plenty of chances to do so before now. Isn't that right?"

He had a point, but still. Going on a date with him? What would Brian, Feliciano, and the others say? It would be absolutely crazy to actually accept this. Sunday or not, he had ulterior motives. I had no idea what they could be, so there was no way-!

"She'll go!" Kayla exclaimed.

"Wait, what?!" I demanded.

"He's asking you on a date," she pulled me by my arm, whispering into my ear. "What do you have to lose by going on a single date? It will be Sunday. He won't be dangerous. Think about this. He always makes it a point to come talk to you and act friendly. He's also totally handsome. He clearly likes you."

"I don't think so...He's up to something."

"But you're curious, aren't you?" she could see right through me.

"Well....I guess...I am a little..."

"So go on the date," she urged.

"Ugh. Fine."

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