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Sherman could say a few words now, he wasn't very good, but everyone understood him. He could say "mama" and "Seba", which was his way of saying Sebastian's long name. He could also say "bear" extremely well, and the other two gang members Nolan and Hunter, "Lana" and "Hunta".

Everyone in the gang were obsessed with the baby, it brought out a fatherly side of each, and Caroline had become one of the smoothest with words when she was forced to leave the house and face possible enemies. She was truthfully living a better life than she expected since the members were all very kind to her and she couldn't ask for more. They were like her family now and Sherman was living with almost twenty caring dads. The most noticeable one was Sebestian, who paid a lot of attention to him.

Sherman didn't know much about Sebestian, he was clueless but he knew that the leader loved him more than the anyone else. Other than Caroline of course. She constantly watched over him, always making sure no hazard ever came in his way. It was ironic, how Caroline and Sherman were safer with a mafia than anywhere else.

Sebastian came home with a can of homemade applesauce that was twenty-six ninety-five just for a small amount and Caroline sighed. "Seb you spoil him too much."

Sebastian spooned a bit of the applesauce into Sherman's tiny mouth and Sherman giggled, waving his arms around in the tiny highchair, made out of ivory white plastic and dark red framing the outside. Sherman was unusually drawn to the colour red, and although Caroline insisted that Sebastian didn't buy the high chair, he did. To her delight in the other hand, Sherman seemed to love it and he ate more.

"What can I say? My man Sherman loves this applesauce, I should try it." He tilted some applesauce straight from Sherman's tiny red baby spoon into his own mouth and swallowed. He raised an eyebrow at Caroline and laughed. Her face was expressionless, possibly because she hated it when people spent money on her child when it wasn't necessary.

"Your kid has good taste." Sebastian raised the spoon above his head and flung it into his mouth once more. "Have some."

Caroline rolled her dark brown eyes but Sebastian had already found another spoon for her to use. He dipped it in the container and took her chin, opening her mouth to out some applesauce in. She swallowed and he laughed lightly, suddenly making Caroline freeze.

The glint in Sebastian's eyes were suddenly vaguely familiar, but if the expression in his eyes were how Caroline saw it, she didn't know what to do. Was it possible that he seemed to look at her the same way Ares did?

The look deeply triggered her and her stomach was twisted in a simple but sturdy knot. She felt a few bugs attacking her head and nothing made her feel worse than the strange vibes she was getting from Seb.

"Ummm, I really have to go for a second." Caroline quickly scooped up Sherman much to Sebastian's dismay and confusion.

"Car, what's wrong?" He laughed and spooned another bit of applesauce into Sherman's mouth and he squealed happily, waving his hands for more. She only shook her head and bit her lip nervously.

"Nothing, I'm just going to my room for a bit." She brought Sherman away from Sebastian and to her surprise, Sherman didn't cry.

Sherman wasn't very intelligent that was for sure, but he could strong feel that his mother was hurt. She brought him into her room and placed him softly on the bed. Large droplets of tears came out of her eyes, and she softly made noises that were something that got his attention when he did. Sherman crawled towards his mother, hoping that if he gave her some attention, she would feel happier.

Unfortunately for Sherman, Caroline looked into his bright innocent eyes, and the same red specks floated in his irises exactly like his father. She had bore a child who would never know his father, a child living in the harsh conditions of a mafia gang, and a child with a single mother. Another round of tears poured at her eyes and she cried harder and harder.

Sherman didn't know what to do, he could feel his mother thinking about Sebastian, he knew that Seb had an affection towards her. To Sherman this affection was good, it would probably be good for her, but he couldn't distinguish the reasons for her tears. It was just a feeling, knowing that his mother was upset and Sebastian was upset with her. From the bed he heard Sebastian's footsteps near the door.

Sebastian had heavier strides as footsteps while his mother had small graceful ones. But to Sherman his footsteps we're sinking to the floor today. He crawled off the bed and saw Sebastian's feet through the bottom crack of the door. They were shuffling all over the place and every time he knocked on the door, Sherman jolted back.


"Just leave me alone." She wouldn't let him finish, and Sherman felt completely helpless. The tension between the two multiplied in seconds and he wasn't used to such coldness around him.


"Please." Her voice softened and Sherman could feel his mother using all her strength to say those words without breaking down. As Sebastian's footsteps heavily faded, Sherman started crying. His mother scooped him up and patted his back continuously. He leaned into her shoulder, and he co under feel her tears seeping into his small back.

He wanted Sebastian there, he wanted his sweet playfulness, he wanted the fatherly figure to be with him. Sherman cried harder, and his mother sighed. It was overwhelming for his little head.

"I'm sorry Sherman, I'm so sorry I made you live this life."

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