Chapter 2: PK Academy

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Ayane POV 

The next day, Kusuo and I arrive at school before the morning assembly. 

This is our high school, PK  Academy

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This is our high school, PK  Academy. There are 543 students in all. But not a single one of them knows about Kusuo and my powers. Kusuo believes if anyone found out, all hell would break loose while I think in reality that people would go insane. You probably thinking what the difference as if anyone finds out about us, it will be trouble...well I don't know. 

When we were in kindergarten, Kusuo would always win rock-paper-scissors by reading everyone minds on what they would pick. Sometimes they would cheat, but he ended it in a tie. While I stood on the sidelines and colored in my coloring book by myself until Kusuo got back. I still wonder how he won a serial killer mask? 

He even went as far as playing with our teacher who made a bet with him and was a sore loser after losing 296 times to Kusuo. The next day she didn't show up or the next. This drew attention and took a while to die down but after that day Kusuo promise never to use his powers in public while I hardly use mine, so it made no difference to me. He still uses but when no one is around us. All of a sudden, someone, covers both my eyes and Kusuo.

"Guess who,"asked someone while I stayed silent and close to Kusuo 

Even know were psychics there only one person we can't detect because well there isn't anything to detect. 

The person removes their hands as we turn to see Riki Nendou who nobody like, except for me well that because I'm kind to everyone even know I don't talk and he likes Kusuo and me for some reason

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The person removes their hands as we turn to see Riki Nendou who nobody like, except for me well that because I'm kind to everyone even know I don't talk and he likes Kusuo and me for some reason. We can't read a single thought from his head at all as everyone has thoughts, but it like he is an...

'Idiot' thought Kusuo to me as I secretly glare at him for being mean

'Don't say that its mean' I thought sweat dropping looking towards Nendou with a funny look on his face 'He...he not the brightest, but he has some smarts'

'Yeah right' thought Kusuo sarcastically 

All of sudden we hear someone falls behind us as Nendou races over to the person. While Kusuo and I watched in silence as Nendou tries to help the person... I think it is helping. Why is he punching him? If he isn't dead now, he certainly will be unless he stops. Why is he kissing him now? This isn't Sleeping Beauty or Snow White story where the prince awakens the princess with a kiss.

A teacher rushes over and tells Nendou to bring the student to the nurse and then turns to Kusuo and me, telling Kusuo to follow them. I was about to go with them when the teacher stopped me.

"Only those two, Nozomi" called the teacher as I sighed and nodded "You stay here."

Kusuo looked towards me in worry and ushered him to go.

'I'll be fine by myself for a little while' I thought telepathically 'Just go.' 

He sighs and follows Nendou. As soon as they left for the nurse, the assembly continued. After an hour the assembly finished as the teachers told the students to return to their class. I didn't even get to walk out of the gym when a bunch of boys surrounds me.

"Miss Ayane-chan" called one boy trying to get my attention 

"Miss Ayane" yelled another boy also trying to get my attention

No, Miss Ayane, look at me" cried another as they all begin to fight for attention 

I smiled nervously as all the boys competed for my attention. All of sudden I heard a negative thought about me and turned to who thought it was only to see the beloved Angel of PK Academy, Kokomi Teruhashi who is may seem perfect on both the outside and inside, but sometimes all the perfection has another side too it.

 All of sudden I heard a negative thought about me and turned to who thought it was only to see the beloved Angel of PK Academy, Kokomi Teruhashi who is may seem perfect on both the outside and inside, but sometimes all the perfection has another ...

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'What so special about her' she thought angrily but smiling on the outside 'I'm the one who perfects on the inside and outside, what an attention bimbo'

I just sighed, I'm used to the negative thought about me by all my female classmates who dislike me so it wasn't anything new. Kokomi puts on her bright smile and makes her way over to me as the boys' attention quickly goes between the two of us trying to decide who to stay with as half stays with me and the other goes to her which pisses her off more, but she just kept her happy appearance on otherwise people will see her ugly side and so goes her angel appearance to everyone. 

I try to back myself away but they kept coming closer till I back into a wall...well I thought was a wall as muscular arms wrapped around me to pull me away from the growing boys. I turn to see Kineshi Hairo who is our class representative and is trusted by many students.

 I turn to see Kineshi Hairo who is our class representative and is trusted by many students

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"Can't you guys see you making her nervous" called Hairo angrily "Leave her alone."

Most of the boys felt terrible and apologize while others walk away.

I watch as they left as turn back to Hairo who smiled at me 

"You okay," He asks while I nodded and pulled out my whiteboard and dry-erase marker to write on

"Yeah,  thank you for helping me, Hairo," I wrote happily smiling  at him as he scratched his head nervously turning his head away from me

All of sudden we hear an ambulance siren as we turn to see Kusuo on a stretcher with Nendou following. I sighed wondering what Kusuo got mixed up into as I remember hearing a siren early but ignored it.

'What happen'I thought telepathically to Kusuo who sighed 'Why are you on a stretcher?'

'Let just say Nendou is a scary guy' thought Kusuo back as I quickly follow after them but not before saying bye to Hairo

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