Chapter 1

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Camila's POV

I wandered through the woods, enjoying my stroll, while listening to sounds that animals creates. I am walking towards the pond to get away with all the chaos that has been happening in the castle. It is the 21st century yet my parents act as if it's the 17th. They are the king and queen of this country and I am happy to be the princess but the paparazzi, and all the pressure is just getting in my nerves. However i have the woods to escape my princess life. When I decided to strip my dress and swim in the pond. The cold water is silk against my skin. I dived in the water and had a couple of strides before popping back up for air. I take off the hair that is covering my face. I cupped some water and pour it on my shoulders.

"A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be out here in the open... Naked, in the middle of the woods." I heard a voice said. I covered my breast with my arms and turned around.

There I saw a masked girl wearing a glamorous, white feminine tux. Her hair is untamed yet perfect that goes in to her left. Her shoulder is leaning on a tree nearby.

"Who are you?" I demanded.

"I am masked for a reason... But you can call me DJ" She said

I did not answer for i don't know what to say.

"How about you? Who are you" She asked.

My eyes squinted at her in confusion. How does she not know me? Well this is amazing! I thought everyone that lives in the land that my parents rule knows who I am.

"I am Karla." I said even though I really don't go by that name. People know me as Camila.

"Well Karla do you want me to turn around for you to get change? Or do you need some help?" She asked boldly.

"I would really appreciatte if you will turn around. I am a bit shy and you are a stranger." I said.

She chuckled and shrugged her shoulders. She completely turned around and I quickly rush over my dress. I dried myself with my towel and get dress.

"I'm done." I said.

She then turned around. I cannot see her facial expression as her mask has covered half of her face, mostly her eyes.

"I am not a fan of dresses but I would say that dress is gorgeous." She said and smiled. Her pearl like teeth sparkled with help of the moon light.

"Thank you." I said and gave her a cheeky smile.

"Why is a beautiful girl that wears a lovely dress spending her time in a pond?" She asked.

"I interacted with a lot of people tonight that I needed to be with myself, alone." I said.

"Do you wish for me to go?" She asked.

"I would like a company, if you don't mind." I said.

DJ looked around and finally sat. She tap the the spot beside her and I walked over to sit beside her. She smells like spring with a twist of vanilla. I smiled at her and she did too.


I was in a ball at the castle. I just came and I am a princess from another country. So I barely knew people here. I was bored and I put on a mask so people won't notice who I am. While walking in the woods I heard water moving. I then followed the sound and I saw a pond. A girl then pops up taking her hair off her face. Her skin is as white as milk, it shines under the moonlight. While her hair is as dark as raven.

I interrupted her and decided to talk to her. As we settle down under a tree.

"How about you, Why are you wearing a tux with a mask?" She asked.

"I was invited to the ball in the castle but I feel as if it is not a place for me to stay." I said.

"But why? I am pretty sure the ball needs a lovely lady like you."

"Trust me, a villager is not wanted there."

"A villager? Which village do you live in?" She asked and her eyes brighten with curiosity.

I smiled "the nearest in the castle." I said, unsure if there's any.

"No wonder how you dress so good."

"What do you mean?"

"That village makes the most silky dresses, and a very nice tuxes. I have a close friend named Arachne who has the most famous store in the continent." She said.

"I am new in this country, I have heard about your friend because she made my tux. It is nice of her to know what really fits for me."

"She is talented and I am wondering as to what I can do."

"You can smile." I said.

She looked at me for a second and bursts out laughing.

"Everyone can smile." She said after her giggle fit.

"Yeah but you smile brightly that the moon is ashamed." I said.

She looked at me and bow her head down. I then noticed her cheeks flushed, and that caused me to grin widely. I only met this girl and she makes me want to know more of her. We then hear the bell of the castle, signaling us that it is time for the king and queen to make their announcements.

"I must go." She said but before she can even flee she turne around "Am I going to see you tomorrow night?" She asked.

"Sure. Same place." I said "Go ahead you seemed to be in rush."

I don't have to rush for I know where the shortcut to the castle. And I really don't have to attend the ball. So i took my time walking, thinking of the girl i just met. With rosy cheeks, stained lips with red, White teeth like pearls, dark wavy hair like ravens, and her skin, and how it looks so smooth.

I followed the trail that goes to the castle. I was outside. But I can see the royalties clearly. I can also hear them. The king made a heart warming speech to his people and visitors. It took him 20 minutes to finish and he invited his daughter to step in and great the people. Standing there is the girl I seemed to be intrested in. Her hair is dried and was curled perfectly. She smiled warmly to the people and greeted them.

"Hello.. My father might have told you that tomorrow... Is a special day. And i am greatly looking forward for that day." She said but there are no sparkle in her eyes, not even a tiny bit of interest. Then I remembered I am part of that special day tomorrow, but she won't know it's masked girl she talked to.

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