Chapter 18

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Camila's POV

I am clearly annoyed to see this girl again! Who does she think she is? If y'all are confused right now, well, she's that one girl that I have to grow up with. That one girl that just steals everything! I was happy when she moved to Lon Dania and decided to live on her own. Quick biography about Artemis was that she was my adoptive sister, who everyone think that she was the angel but in reality she stole what was rightfully mine. I know I probably sound like a selfish brat but I am not. When we were 5 she stole the bookmark one of our maids made for me, she stole my Christmas gift, changed the tags of our names but then our gift were so many our parents didn't even take a second look at it. She took a lot from me but when she took someone I thought that was so precious to me, that's when I decided to step up for myself and not cower away. She stole the girl I thought I loved, actually it is not stealing, I know, but she paid that girl to make me fall in love with her and break up with me when I'm in my most vulnerable state. It was hard to deal with heartbreak.

Now I'm looking at her making her way towards us, she knows Dinah and I am afraid she might do what she's good at, take everything special away from me.

"Dinah!" Artemis greeted her with a hug, Artemis actually grew into such a beautiful maiden, perfect curls with natural brown tips, while her lashes are so long it could touch her cheeks when it closes.

"Camila?" Someone said and that brake me away from my thinking world.

"Yes?" I asked and looked at Dinah.

"Artemis said you guys met, I didn't know that." Dinah asked.

"Well I wouldn't really mention someone I despise so much" I said and folded my arms "Specially when all the memories she left for me is just too painful to even remember."

"Dinah, can you please give me and Camila a minute and two to be alone?" Artemis asked.

I looked at Dinah and pleaded with my eyes for her not to go. But she agreed and left after placing a chase peck on lips.

I crossed my hands and glared at Artemis.

"Can we talk somewhere more private?" Artemis asked.

"Why can't we stay here?" I asked "So that right after our "talk" you can embarrass me infront of everybody."

"That's why I wanted to go somewhere private! I want us to talk civil and I really need to explain a lot of things."

"Things like what? Things that you just kept on doing? Breaking me?"

"I need you to please understand that this talk needs to be somewhere private."

"Why should I trust your words?" I asked.

"Because I really am willing to pay every debt that I owe your family specially you." she said sternly.

"What do you really want?" I asked.

"Please, Camila, you still are a stubborn girl!" She said frustrated "please, somewhere private."

"Fine.... But I'm not going because you asked me too, I'm going because I want this to get over with."

We walked into my room and I sat on my bed. Artemis looked around and smiled at me.

"This room has changed a lot." she said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"It's just that, before this room used to be so pink! And so young. So it probably changed because obviously you grew. But of course shelves of books are still clearly visible."

"I love books!" I said.

"I know you do." she said and took a book out of her purse. "I have a gift for you."

"Wow, that's a first. What would you like in return?" I asked and folded my arms.

"Forgiveness." she said, which shocked me because after all those years, she's doing this now? I still don't trust her but I will let her play her game.

"That's it?" I asked.

"Yes! I've been regretting leaving here without even asking for forgiveness, so your forgiveness is the only thing I wanted." she said and placed the book on my nightstand.

"It'll take some time for me to actually forgive you. But maybe taking your gift would be a start." I said and smiled. she smiled back and opened her arms. I hesitated at first but then hugged her.

"C'mon, mom and dad would be thrilled to see you!" I said and drag her down the stairs and to the crowd where my mom and dad talks amongst the villagers.

"Artemis!" My mom said once she noticed us approaching. "I never expected for you to visit us again."

"Well, I miss you two." Artemis said and hugged both of my parents. I smiled at the interactions but I left to seek Dinah.

Artemis's POV

Poor, poor Camila. She never changed, still a soft hearted child. She sees good in everyone even if the person committed the darkest crime, she still has a way to see the light inside the darkest soul of a person. It'll be easy for me to get her trust one day. She don't even know what's really going on, she don't know who to trust and when to trust people that is surrounding her.

After my interactions with my adoptive "parents" I searched my way down the dungeons.

"I thought it'll take you a day or two to come here." Albert said from behind bars.

"Well, everything was planned and it went so well!" I said and clapped my hands. "Albert, I must say you are a very loyal and a very good actor!"

"I learned from the best." He said "So tell me, when will our next phase begin?"

"Patience dear, we just need them to believe first, and let love ruin them." I said and smiled at Albert who did the same. the smile of success and victory.

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