Chapter 2

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Dinah's POV

My butler decided that it will be best for me to wear a dress. A classy yet modern that will hug my curves. My hair is straightened and lashes curled. I will be one of those who will do the tests and obstacles for me to be the "right" one for the princess. This royal family is the most powerful so others are willing to join, as for me I am forced by my parents.

"Princess, the car awaits outside. We will go if you are ready." The butler said. I nodded my head and walked out the room I am staying in for the moment.

We passed villages and now we arrived at the castle.

"Welcome Princess Dinah." A butler from the castle greeted me.

"Thank you." I said.

"Right this way princess." he said and motioned for me to follow.

I smiled and followed him, he then opened the door for me and I entered the room filled with other princess. You might be wondering why.... Well it's because Princess Camila likes girls..

"Welcome! Princesses! We are gathered here today to celebrate and interact with each other before going into the arena. Please stand, here comes the Royal Family." A butler said.

The king walks in on his right was the queen and his left is Camila. We stand up and bow our heads to show respect and took our seats when the king motioned us to do so.

"Everyone looks lovely today." The king said and smiled while he looks around.

"We are here to have lunch together and discuss the game. Ofcourse all of you knows what the prize for the winner will be." The king announced "But we will talk about that later, and as of for now let's enjoy the meal." he said and sat down. Maids and butlers came with food. Serving the Royal family first. We are sitting on a table in a group of four.

"She's lovely isn't she?" A green eyes girl said while taking a sip of her wine and eyeing Camila.

"She is." I agreed.

"My name is Lauren, by the way." She introduced.

"I'm Dinah" I said and smiled.

"I wonder why they will set their daughter to marry somebody who will win the game." The dark skinned girl said.

"No one really knows the answer to that question." The other girl said.

"My name is Normani." The dark skinned girl said.

"And I'm Ally." the petite girl said.

"Hi, I'm Lauren."

"I'm Dinah." we introduced ourselves once again.

Everyone got their foods now and I noticed Camila walking around table by table. Talking with everyone, shaking everyone's hand. We will be the last table that she will talk to.

I noticed her walking on our way and I looked up when I heard her raspy voice.

"How was the meal?" She asked.

The 4 of us looked up and give her a smile.

"I'm Camila." she introduced sticking her hand out for a hand shake.

"I'm Ally." Ally smiled while battering her lashes but it seems as of it comes naturally. Camila's lips curled to the side and her brow raised in interest.

"I'm Normani." Normani said giving her a wink, Camila winked back and smiled.

"Lauren." Lauren said while taking Camila's hand and kissing her knuckles. Camila giggled and smiled. She then turned to me and her face turned as if she recognized someone.

"Hey, I'm Dinah." I said and smiled. I stood up and reached for her hand and shakes it firmly.

"Have I bumped into you somewhere?" she asked.

I looked at her, confusion written all over my face.

"You might've confused me with someone else." I said and smiled.

She nodded her head "Oh yeah. It's just someone else. I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry, Princess." I said.

Camila's POV

I know I met her before. Her smile gives it away. But she seemed really confused about who I am talking about. I might really confused her with someone else. There's a million of people I met and talked to already.

"How was the walk around the dinning room?" my mom joked.

"It was fun meeting new princesses. Entertaining actually." I confessed.

"That's good, any one you got your eyes on?" My father asked.

"Dad. That game hasn't started yet." I said.

"Yeah, but sometimes there's always that one person who seemed to stand out in the crowd even though they are stranger to you." He explained.

"Yeah.... Those girls in the last table. They seemed to be the one I am watching." I said and smiled.

My thoughts are not really in the game or the princesses. Sure the princesses are pretty but I have my attention to a certain someone. I might not know her, and she is masked. But I hope she will let me see her face when we see each other tonight. She's the one who confirmed it anyway.

But for now I have to interact and watch the princesses get ready and train. I will be the one giving them tips on the how they should properly hold their stance. I will assist and judge on how well they do. This game is an elimination game, the top 4 will be the one that will be honored and will have a place here in the castle. The one that will ranked as 4th will be the Countess of all the Monarch around the world, The third one will be the Marchioness the third one will be the Duchess and the first one will be the empress of course with me. The one I will marry.

I am forced to do this by my parents. I a willing to do it but only if i will be the one choosing who I'll marry but I still have to. It's an intertainment for others around the world but it is a contest for others. But for me, it's for the people. Because whoever will win this, will be proving themselves that they are capable of being the leader, peaceful and intelligent. A true leader. A lovable one that will love their people.

I talked to some of the princesses and rest. I am resting because I want t have the energy to talk to DJ a very mysterious, charming girl. Only if she is here. I will beg my parents to let me marry her instead. I know I will be happy. I barely even know her yet she made me want to marry her... DJ is something else. A very interesting girl.

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