twenty seven

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Lauren laid on her side in the hospital bed staring at the wall blankly. The pain she was feeling, both mentally and physically, was unbearable. But the weird thing was, Lauren also felt numb. A painful, painful numb. Her brain was going at a mile a minute with too many thoughts, causing her heart rate to pick up and a few seconds later a nurse would come in and scold her.

But Lauren couldn't help herself. She had almost lost her baby. Almost. The more she thought about it, the more she caused her anxiety to rise at the thought of almost losing the precious life living inside of her.

A threatened miscarriage. That's what Dr. Reid had told her it was. She had told Lauren she was lucky enough to get to the hospital in time before it was too late.

"If you would have waited another 15 minuets, it would have been an inevitable miscarriage." She had told her. The thought of that sickened Lauren to the point of her leaning over a kidney dish and losing everything she had ate that day.

Now she stared at the wall with watery eyes. She knew she was crying, but she didn't care. She had every reason to cry at this point.

Ty was lying behind her, not exactly spooning her as she was curled up into the smallest ball she could possibly make of herself. His left hand was on her stomach, rubbing it every so often.

The baby had remained dormant for a very long time, longer than what Lauren is used to now. It only made her worry more. Yeah, the doctor had given her multiple ultrasounds (four, to be exact) but Lauren still couldn't shake the thought of her baby almost being gone.

She had apologized to Ty so many times she had lost count a long time ago. Each time Ty would reply with "Baby, you did nothing wrong." But that's not what Lauren felt like. Lauren thought that she had to have done something wrong for her to start bleeding like that.

She had ruined two pairs of panties so far. The bleeding hadn't stopped completely, but every so often she could feel it stop, sending her into another weird panic for no reason and the nurse telling her that there was nothing to worry about.

They had also hooked her up to another IV and put some kind of pain meds into it. It had taken a lot of the physical pain away, but it was still faintly there in her lower abdomen. They had basically put her on temporary bed rest while she was staying at the hospital, and God knows how long that would be. She just wanted to be home in her own bed.

Her family and the girls were all told to wait in the waiting room, and Ty told her that his family was out there too but Lauren wasn't listening much when he told her. She didn't want anyone in the room besides Ty, even though she wasn't giving him much attention. He had a calming effect on her. He would kiss her shoulder blade through the hospital gown, play with her hair, and tell her things would be alright.

Which Lauren could only hope would be true.

She moved so that her legs were out from under her and she was on her back. She stared up at the ceiling and let out a sigh. "I need to pee again." She whispered to Ty.

This had been at least the millionth time she had to use the restroom. Most times were to change the pads she had in, but sometimes were to just sit on the toilet without anyone around her and just think.

"Okay." Ty whispered and gently stood up from the bed. He held his hands out and pulled Lauren up to a standing position, holding her waist and grabbing her IV bag before they slowly walked to the little restroom.

He waited outside the door while Lauren went in. She was generally surprised to see that her pad was empty for the first time she had been there, but not relieved. She took her time washing her hands and drying them and walked back out into Ty's arms.

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