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I was heading to the doctor's for hopefully the last time, to hopefully get told I can keep the bandages off. Even though some small part of my mind is telling me that I won't be free for another week. I kept optimistic, shoving the negative thoughts to the back of my mind. Since I spent most of my free time down in the sewers with Raphael and his brothers, I was able to keep myself out of trouble. The bruising from the attack a few weeks ago was almost completely faded now, and I was no longer tender. Getting in to the waiting room, there weren't many other patients so I was able to be seen quicker.

When the doctor came in, he told me he had to do things differently. Confused I looked at him, regarding him coolly, "What do you mean different?" I asked.

"Well, something happened in the radiology department, so instead of sending you down to get x-rays, I'll have to use an ultrasound machine." He said, pointing to the machine in the corner of the room. "So please unwrap your bandaging while I find the gel." He said, before mumbling under his breath about how others never replace the bottle and leaving to another room.

I sat on the bed, lifting my shirt and unwrapping the bandaging. The feeling of freedom within tasting distance as I let my skin breath. My enjoyment was interrupted by the doctor coming back in, giving instructions. Following said instructions, I lay down on the bed, keeping my shirt rolled up and tucked under my bra while the doctor smeared the gel across the right ribs. It was cold, but my mind was distracted from the sensation as he moved the wand around and turned on the screen.

The doctor must have been in a better mood, since he was describing everything that was happening on the screen, showing me what my bones looked like, showing me where they fused back together, and explaining some of the miraculous science behind the process. I was intrigued by everything he told me, and asked a decent amount of questions as he finished up and handed me a cloth to wipe to gel off my skin. "Well good news, no more bandages. You can use a standard tenser bandage while doing sports or heavy lifting, I'd say for at least another week, and you can have it off at bed time and if you're doing nothing." He said as he handed me an unopened tenser wrap and said his goodbyes.

Getting up and leaving the hospital, I decide to call Raph. After a couple rings he finally answers, "What?" He sounded agitated.

"Well hello to you to Mr. Grumpy Pants." I say, lightly sarcastic.

"Oh hey. Sorry thought you may have been Leo. What's up Tiger?" He chuckles. Damn that blasted nickname and the blush that comes with it.

"All good. And nothing, besides the fact that I'm free!" I say, sounding giddy. I'm just so happy to not be wrapped up anymore.

"That's awesome. See what happens when you stay out of trouble?" He teases.

"Shuddup, it's not like I do it intentionally." I mutter, "But anyways, what are you up to?" I ask, quick to change topic.

"Nothing much, just training. Why?" He asks.

"Can I come down?" I return with a question of my own.

"Sure. See ya in a few Tiger." He says, laughing before I hang up on him. The bugger knows what it does to me doesn't he... Ammo seeker.

Putting my phone back in my pocket, I head to the manhole I've been using for the past two weeks. Making my way into the sewers and down to the lair, dropping my purse near Donnie's desk, and make my way to their training area. Walking in and leaning against the door frame, I watch the turtle brothers do their thing with Splinter walking around them, assessing their every move and correcting what needs to be fixed. The old rat noticed me first, "Ah Abigail. Welcome back." He says with a slight bow of his furry head.

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