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Raph's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and panic instantly sparked within me. Throwing the blanket off and my mask on, I left my room and started looking around the lair for Abby. I know she didn't get to sleep in a good mood, and I know I'm partially to blame for it, I just hope she didn't leave before I could accomplish what I planned before falling asleep myself. Checking the kitchen, I see a bowl with a box of cereal beside it and spared a glance at the items with brief curiosity.

"Mornin' Raph." Mikey said, coming up behind me. "Sorry there's no breakfast this morning." He said.

I decided to calm down enough to speak to my brother. "S'alright." I mumbled. Then I actually looked at Mikey, who looked like he wanted to say something. "What?" I opened the door for him to speak.

"Why was Abby upset?" He asked and I felt my stomach drop.

"Did she leave?" I asked instead of providing him with an answer.

"I didn't see her leave. Maybe check with Don." He suggested, figuring I did something to make my girlfriend upset.

"Thanks, Mikey." I said, turning towards Donnie's lab. I missed Mikey's look of shock towards my retreating shell at the fact that I actually thank'd him, and stood by the door frame to Donnie's lab.

I heard voices belonging to both my brother and my girlfriend, and tried to decide whether or not I should interrupt. The sound of a loud curse coming from Abby had me walking through the door frame towards the pair. Trying to hide the fact that I was already standing near the door as well as the animalistic growl that threatened to make its way through my throat, I knocked on the wall closest to them since they still haven't noticed me and spoke, "Everything ok?" My voice was gruff.

Donnie peered around whatever it was they were working on and smiled, "Hey, Raph. What's up?" He asked, turning his attention back towards Abby, who finally looked up.

"I'll ask again. Everythin' ok?" I maintained eye contact with my girlfriend who wiped a dirty hand over her cheek, leaving an oil smudge, and smiled despite the want to look away and blush.

"Yeah, everything's good." Abby was the one to answer. "Don just needed a hand, and well I offered to get mine dirty." She chuckled as she held up her oil covered hands toward me.

"I see that." I said with a chuckle. "So D, you mind if I steal Abby from ya fer a moment?" I turned my gaze to my brother who just shrugged in response. Looking at Abby, I wait for a response from her.

"I need a coffee break anyways." She shrugged and grabbed the rag that was on Donnie's desk. I let her lead the way to the kitchen and handed her her red coffee thermos that she had left here a while ago. "Why the travel cup?" She asked, looking at me briefly before preparing the coffee maker.

"Easier to walk with." I simply answer with a shrug of my shoulders. I smirk when I see her look at me in skeptic confusion.

"Alrighty then." She said, pouring coffee in the thermos, pouring a cup for Donnie while she was at it. "Mind taking this to D for me then?" She asked.

"Sure. I'll be right back." Turning I take the cup to Donnie and return within three minutes to see Abby leaning against the wall just outside of the kitchen sipping her coffee. Holding my hand out to hers, I wait for her to grasp it, "Walk with me?" I ask. Smiling in relief when she fits her much smaller hand into mine.

We walk in silence through the sewers for a bit, Abby taking a few sips from her cup as she walks. "Hey Raph." She breaks the silence and gets my attention. I give a small grunt in response and look down at her, she takes the cue to continue. "Sorry about getting upset last night." She says. Her tone is telling me that she wants to say more, but she doesn't.

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