The odder one out

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"Bella I'll see you when I get there, it's only a 30 minute drive from the airport to Forks, don't worry so much." I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. I sighed as I looked down at the book in front of me. The book of witchcraft. I chanted the mantra over and over again without fail and held out my hand.

"Zvedni ducha ohně, a tak to ovládáš.." The flame burned in my hand in the car. I glanced around to make sure no one was around. The next step was to get my entire body to do this, but that was for another day. I closed my hands and looked in the mirror. My eyes were electric blue and instead of whites in my eyes they were black. I blinked a few times to get it back to normal and my eyes were suddenly a normal light blue. I adjusted my septum ring and made sure that my hair was in a perfect big round bun. I had a lot of hair so it was a big bun. My hair was a bright orange and curly. I put back on my circular glasses and looked down at my attire. (,,.html)

I glanced to my back seat and saw my dog Ember staring at me.

"You know the sister musn't know of what you can do. It is forbidden." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yes, I know Ember. I wouldn't risk the dangers of telling any of my family.. But you also know you have to act like a normal dog, not a stuffy talking dog." He huffed indignantly.

"I can act like a normal dog, just wait Ms. River, I'll bark and.. slobber just like a normal dog." I laughed. He then got serious.

"You know the elders take things very seriously. You are the only witch left who can use the gifts or even read the book. You musn't slack on your studies while your here, nor get in trouble."

"I wont and I haven't. I've mastered more then half of those witches or Warlocks could master in a lifetime."

"Don't get cocky.."I scoffed.

"I'm not, it took me enough self confidence just to do this." I stuffed the book in my bag and started the engine. I remember when I stumbled upon the world of witches and warlocks. It started with a talking skeleton with a sarcastic attitude. He offered me a home with him and in return I would hush about what I saw. However I was discovered and they gave me a choice; wash away my memories of there world or become one of them. The choice was obvious. Little did they know however that I would be different from the rest, that I was born with the power of fae. The power of fae was in only a few around the world, it essentially meant I could do what others couldn't. While others could do basic spells and had minimal control of the art we practiced, forced to pick a class to stick to, I could do all. Not without effort of course but when I had mastered something, it was more powerful then some of the top elites. Besides the teachers and elders, I was high ranking.

There was necromancers. They could control the shadows around them and took energy from the dead. A graveyard was there playground, when they were most powerful. I myself had perfected it and I had a cane to store my powers. It was the first that had drawn me in with the wisps of shadows and the magic of teleportation. It was showy, that was part of the reason but it was also powerful.

There was then adepts. I hadn't learnt a thing about it yet to be perfectly honest. All adepts had different powers, with the exception of basic things like being able to seduce certain things to your will, like a door that was locked or a car that wouldn't start. Most adepts could also walk on walls and such but they all had individual powers. Some could shapeshift, others could fly, turn invisible, etc. It hadn't lured me in like necromancy had, however.

And last but not least there was elementals. The name kind of gave it away. The four elements. Water, fire, air, and earth. It was the most basic of the bunch and if you got good at it, there was no shortage of things you could do. The only thing you couldn't learn was earth, it was a wild card. It was used as a last chance in the most dangerous situations. I could hardly use fire right now, but I was learning. The book of withcraft taught me all of it, so I had no need for a mentor. They were always annoying and condescending anyway so instead to keep me safe and in line, they gave me an annoying talking dog. I had heard rumors that Ember had lasted a lifetime and could do things.. incredibly dangerous things, but I had yet to see it first hand, only his annoying pompous attitude. He was a wolf husky mix from what I could tell.

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