Depression ensures redemption

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It had been months, months since the Cullens had left after the incident, months since Bella had smiled, months since her nightmares had gotten to the point that she would scream in terror in her sleep. It had been so many months that Bella had actually started to get better. She was visiting Jacob, her childhood friend then one day she came home and told me about how he could turn into a wolf. My response had been a sigh and,

"Of course he can." She had visited him everyday and then one day I got the call that made my heart leapt up in my throat.

"Yeah?" I asked as I answered the phone.

"River, it's Jake. Bella jumped off a cliff and into the water. She tried to kill herself." I gasped and put my hand over my mouth.

"I-I'll be right there, don't go anywhere please." I grabbed my cane from my bag.

"What are you doing?" Ember asked.

"My sister tried to kill herself, I'm going to get her." I tapped my cane twice and teleported to the beach where Bella was, soaking wet and Jake. Jake jumped when I popped out of no where.

"Holy hell River! How did you do that?!" I shrugged sheepishly.

"I thought Bella told you already since she told me about you." Jake looked to Bella.

"You told her?!"

"She's not gonna tell anyone Jake. Besides her secret is that she's a witch." Jake put his head in his hands.

"Annnnd now your sister is a witch, great. Nothing else could surprise me at this point." He muttered.

"Okay back to the fucking point, Bella what the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you do that?" She stood up, shivering.

"I didn't try to kill myself, I was cliff diving." I got even more exasperated.

"Why were you trying to cliff dive?! You're nuts." She looked at me with big eyes.

"I-I'm sorry I worried you." I sighed.

"It's fine.. Come on let's go home and get you changed." I stood with her.

"Wait! Let me come with." I sighed.

"Well come on then. Both of you grab on to my arm. Jake and Bella did as I said. Jake gripped my biceps while Bella laid her hand on my shoulder. I tapped my cane on the sand twice. Suddenly we were back at the house and Bella and Jake were both on there ass. "Oh yeah I forgot to tell you guys, you'll feel a little dizzy afterwards."

"That would have been a good thing to know ahead of time.." Jake groaned. I chuckled behind my hand. Suddenly I realized the Cullens car was outside our house. My eyes got wide.

"Uh Bella.." She looked up at me.

"What?" Then she looked where I was staring. She immediately got to her feet.

"It's the Cullens car!" She made her way to the house before Jake grabbed her arm.

"Bella, wait! It could be a trap."

"Jake, I'm fine! It's okay." He gritted his teeth.

"I can't break the treaty. If you go in there I can't protect you!" Bella motioned to me.

"I have River to do that, besides I can protect myself, it's fine." Bella grabbed my hands and dragged me to the house. We walked in and Bella started looking around and found Alice sitting on the couch.

"Bella!" She gasped and got up, hugging her.

"Alice, what are you doing here?" Alice pulled back but  put her hands on Bella's shoulders.

A Witch's Mantra [Twilight fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now