Losing the battle

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Over the course of a week I had thought nonstop about that stupid deranged vampire. Today however, I was going to go out and get some amazing cotton candy ice cream. I really did miss Aro which caused me to wonder when I was going to see him again. I got up from lounging on my bed.

"Ember I'm gonna go get some ice cream from the store, stay here okay?" He nodded.

"It's raining anyway, I would hate to go out in this." I laughed at him. He absolutely hated getting wet.

"Okay, I'll be back soon." I made my way down stairs and grabbed a jacket. Charlie was asleep on the couch even though it was only 1 in the afternoon and Bella was no where to be seen. I walked outside and over to the car and as I put my keys in to unlock it when I heard a clearing of the throat. I turned almost too giddy to see... Nefarian Serpine. I took a step back.

"H-how are you alive..?" I asked with wide eyes. I shook with fear as he took a step towards me in his pristine black suit.

"Oh you know.. A magical being never stays dead long, now does he? You know it took a considerable amount of effort to track you down. I know I can't go after Valkyrie Cain or the skeleton. He's always with her and even if I could get her alone he would track me down and end my life for the second time and I am quite tired of dying."

"So you came here for revenge? You came all this way just to do what, kill me?" He smiled easily.

"Yes, indeed I did. I have nothing left now. You broke my staff so I can no longer bring back the faceless ones and become the leader this world needs." I laughed bitterly.

"Well you know what?"

"I'll amuse you and ask since you will be dead soon. What?" And I lunged at him. I managed a blow to his chin and he stumbled back. He wiped the blood dripping from his mouth and grabbed for me. I took a step back but he managed to grab my shirt. He pulled me close to his chest and smiled down at me.

"You've lost your touch." He whispered and then he head butted me. I stumbled back but he grabbed me by my hair and slammed my head into the window of the car, spraying glass everywhere and cutting my face.

"Zvedni ducha ohně-" I didn't get time to finish because he punched me in the mouth.

"Shut it, don't need you conjuring any spells, dear. This is one on one combat which you don't seem to good at anymore." He twisted my arm then brought it down quickly on his knee. I stifled a scream in my throat and dropped down to my knees, cradling my arm in my hand. I was starting to feel woozy, the blood spilling from my mouth, my nose and all my cuts. I looked up at him and he kneeled in front of me.

"You will die pathetically. And I thought you had more in you." I headbutted him as hard as I could, effectively breaking his nose He fell back and I laughed tiredly.

"You villains talk to much." I spat blood on him. He got up holding his nose angrily. He rushed towards me and embraced me. I was confused at first until I felt a searing pain in my stomach. I looked down to see a knife all the way in my stomach, slightly sticking out my back. My mouth opened but nothing came out. He stood up with a look of triumph.

Unknown Object

"When your friends know you're dead, they will know who did it and they will know that I will come for them next." He turned around and started walking away as I fell to my back. I stared up at the grey sky, the pain burning in my stomach. The rain fell softly on my face, a gentle reminder that I was not yet dead. I couldn't let Dad see me dead outside the house. I reached up and grabbed the rear view mirror and pulled myself up shakily. I bit my lip in agony as I slowly unlocked the door to the car and crawled in.

I looked down at the knife in my stomach. I grabbed it with a shaky hand and attempted to pull it out. My hand flew to my mouth as I stifled a cry. I let it go and started the engine.

My vision was getting blurry.

I pulled out of the driveway and down the road, driving to the Cullens.

The blood was getting everywhere.

I felt myself drifting and when I opened my eyes back up I saw the tree but didn't have time to stop. I lurched forward, hitting my head on the steering wheel. I slowly opened my door and crawled out. I stumbled through the forest, going in the direction of the house.

I was losing my strength.

It felt like I was walking forever until I came to the clearing.

"Help.." I muttered as I saw the house in the distance. I stumbled forward, falling. I dragged myself back up, the blood getting in my eyes. I wiped it away and kept going. "Please!" I shouted hoarsely. I saw the door open and it was Alice. I saw her eyes widen as she saw me. She started towards me and I felt myself falling again. She caught me right before I fell.

"Oh my god, River!" Her horrified expression confirmed that what I already knew. I was going to die.

"Don't... Don't let him see my body.." I felt the tears flowing down my face. "Make it a closed casket.. Tell him I got into a wreck.."

"No, no, River you're going to live, don't say it please. Carlisle!" She shouted. I grabbed her hand.

"You guys have been more of a family to me then I could... Then I could have asked for..." I felt myself drifting.

"What happened?" I heard a voice, Carlisle. His voice sounded tense. Everything was too blurry to see his face though.

"I don't know, she came stumbling from the forest." She said in panic.

"River. River, can you tell me what happened?" He held my head, keeping it from slacking to the side.

"You're.... a good father.." I told him with a weak smile.

"Oh God." His voice was shaky. I felt myself being picked up.

"I didn't.. I didn't have my book with me.. I didn't have time... I tried... But I was too weak."

"Don't speak, please, Conserve you're energy." He said softly. "Esme!" I heard him shout.

I closed my eyes and stopped fighting it.

[Third person POV]

"Oh my God!" Esme's hand flew to her mouth. "What happened?"

"She didn't say." Carlisle said.

"Get Emmett to bring a stretcher. We're gonna need all the supplies we can get. We can't take her to the hospital with a knife in her stomach. Don't let Bella see. Tell Edward to-"

"Tell Edward what?" At that moment Bella rounded the corner with Edward in tow. Bella's eyes went wide.

"River!" She screamed and ran over to her. "Oh God.." She looked over to her. At that moment Carlisle's phone started ringing. They all looked to him. Jasper was there in a second.

"Hand her to me, I've got it."

"Are you sure, Jasper?" He nodded and Carlisle gently handed her to him. Carlisle quickly answered the phone.

"Yes?" He asked.

Dear Carlisle, how are the human girls?" It was Aro's velvety voice that came through the phone. Carlisle froze.

"They are.... well."

"Carlisle I do not like being lied to." Came his reply.

"The eldest sister, River, has... been attacked. She currently has a knife in her stomach and I am attempting to take it out of her." There was a beat of silence.

"I see." And then the phone was hung up.


(AUTHORS NOTE: Sorry this was a short chapter, next chapter will be much longer.)

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