An unabashed attraction

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When we had finally made it home, I immediately went to my room with an unsettling feeling in my stomach. I didn't stop for Charlie as I made my way up to my room.

"River, Bella!" I didn't stop.

"Sorry Dad, not in the mood for a lecture. Do it to Bella." I walked all the way upstairs and went into my room, shutting the door. Ember sat on my bed.

"What happened in Italy? You look more shaken then I've ever seen you." I glanced at him while taking off my shoes.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"I should have went with you, I tol-"

"Get out, I'm about to change and I don't want you in here. Go sleep with Charlie for the night." I opened the door and pointed out the door. He sighed and got up, trotting out. I shut the door and locked it. I took off my clothes and put on my night clothes and pulled my thigh high socks on. ( outfit)

I went over to my window and opened it, letting some fresh air in. I went and sat on my bed. I had to let it out. I took a notebook and a pencil on my night stand and started writing. I erased and started again at some point. When I glanced over at the clock it was 3:15 AM. I was surprised I had sat there for so long, writing. I sighed and pulled my covers up and turned off my light, falling into a troubled sleep.  When I woke up, standing in my room was Emmett, Rosalie, Bella, Edward, and Jasper.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They shouted. I groaned.

"You guys know I don't age, right? Bella you ratted me out." She smiled softly.

"I thought we would do something nice for your birthday." I sat up.

"No. I'm going to club Rowdown in Seattle tonight."

"Why?" Emmett asked.

"None of your guy's business, really. Not to be rude but it's my own private business. Can I get some privacy to get dressed? I have to get ready and drive up there. What time is it anyway?" I turned towards my clock and saw it said 4:30:PM. My mouth opened in shock.

"Fuck! I gotta get ready right now! Guys go!" They all left the room except Alice who hugged me.

"Happy birthday. I know you don't want a birthday party or anything but this is for you." She handed me a square box, a little bigger then my hand. I smiled at her.

"Thank you Alice, I appreciate this. I'm sorry that I was being grouchy. When I get back if you want to have a party, we can." She grinned and clapped her hands.

"Yay! Thank you, I promise you won't regret it." I smiled and she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.  I opened the box and gasped and what I saw. It was a diamond choker. I quickly put it on and looked at myself in the mirror with it on. It was beautiful. I quickly got undressed and sifted through my closet. I put a thong on then grabbed a dress that you couldn't wear a bra with. I put that on then put on some fishnets leggings, and a pair of dark red heels. I then went over to my desk and sat down in front of the mirror I pulled open the drawer and put on some burgundy colored lipstick then put on mascara, and ombre eyeshadow from glittering red to a matte black and a winged eyeliner. By the time I was done it was 5:30. I quickly grabbed a pretty red bomber jacket and fluffed my hair which swayed down by my waist.

I walked down stairs and Charlie stopped me.

"Woah, where are you going to that's so fancy?"

"To a club up in Seattle. I'll be back around midnight, maybe later. Don't wait up." I quickly gave him a side hug.

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