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The next day at school felt awkward. I stuck with Hannah for pretty much the whole day. I walked past Jess and her group of friends at lunch and I felt all their eyes on me. Especially Justin's. His eyes looked distant. But his face was unreadable. 

Zach came up to me and gave me a hug from behind. "Hey Cassie bear, why don't you come sit with us?" he asked.

"Thanks but no thanks Zach, I don't think I'm welcome. Plus, I don't wanna be around Jess at the moment," I replied. 

Zach released his hold on me and turned me around to face me. "Don't worry about Jess, she's like that towards everyone. Especially pretty girls like you who can easily take Justin away from her," he said.

I looked down, "I don't think Justin would be into me. Based on what I've heard, I'm not his type. I'm not a popular cheerleader. I'm just me," I respond still staring at the floor.

"Hey, no you're not. You're Cassandra Atkins. You're smart, funny and you actually have a personality. Which is more than what I can say for Jess. And I see the way you look at Justin. You like him," he said.

"No, I don't!" I retort. 

"You do! Don't deny it. I saw you in Communications class yesterday. You were staring at him the whole time, and I saw you leave him a note. And I'm sure Jess noticed too," he said.

I didn't speak. It was true. I did spend most of the lesson staring at Justin. But not because I like him, because I was worried about him. He looked distant and worried. But Zach was right, I was developing feelings for him. But I could never date him. He's with Jessica and he broke Hannah. I just couldn't do it.

"Just drop it Zach," I sigh. "I gotta go, Hannah will be wondering where I am. I'll see you around," I mumble.

"I'll call you okay? We need to talk," he called.

I took my seat at the lunch table in between Hannah and Clay. I felt like a third wheel between them. I knew Clay had feelings for Hannah. It was obvious, everyone knew it. Except for Hannah, of course. 

"So what's up lovebirds?" I ask putting my arms around the two of them. Clay blushed and Hannah shook my arm off.

"Friends, Cassie. We're friends," Hannah said. 

"With benefits?" I wink.

Hannah groans and hits my arm. "Where have you been anyway? And where's your lunch?" she asks.

I was talking to Zach for so long that I completely forgot about food. Which is shocking because I love food. "Oh, I'm not hungry. And I was talking to Zach," I replied.

Clay lifts an eyebrow. "Zach? So are you guys a thing now or?" he asks.

"NO JENSEN! He just asked if I wanted to sit with them and you already know what the answer was. I told him I didn't wanna be around Jess and yeah," I explained.

"It took you that long to tell him you didn't wanna sit with Jess?" he questioned me suspiciously.

"That and a couple other things that you don't need to know Jensen. Now quit prying and eat your sandwich," I said picking up his sandwich and shoving it in his mouth so he would quit talking.

Hannah giggled and continued to eat her lunch.

I sat there and thought about what else Zach needed to talk to me about. And I wondered if I should tell Hannah about my crush on Justin, but I shook the thought away. There was no point telling her and risk upsetting her. Especially when she was my only real girl friend at this school. 

The bell rang and we were on to our next class. Unlucky for me, I didn't have Hannah with me in this class. I walked to the back of the classroom. I didn't really feel like socialising at the moment so I hoped no one would come and sit next to me. 

I pull out my books and pencil case out of my bag and set it on the table. The teacher walks in to class and I open my notebook ready to take down the notes that he starts writing on the whiteboard. Ten minutes into class the door opens and in walks in Justin Foley. Perfect. Of course he's in this class. The one class that I have no friends in. I keep my head down and keep writing hoping he doesn't notice me. 

"Sorry I'm late, I had something to do," Justin huffed. 

"It's alright, just take a seat quickly and turn to page 126. We're learning about quantum physics today."

I hear footsteps walking towards my desk and I start freaking out. Please not here. Sit anywhere but here. To my dismay, I hear the chair next to me move and I see his figure sitting down right next to me. I just ignore him and continue writing the notes. 

"Hey, can I borrow a pen," Justin asks me.

"Sure," I said taking a pen out of my pencil case for him and sliding it across the desk to him without making eye contact.

"Thanks," he said. He hesitated before saying, "I'm sorry about Jess, she's a nice girl, she just get a bit insecure sometimes." 

I hum in agreement and continue ignoring him. 

He sighs and starts writing the notes from the board. 

When the bell rings signalling the end of class, I quickly pack everything into my backpack and run out of the classroom to get away from Justin. 

"Atkins! Wait up," I hear Justin calling for me. I just walk faster towards my locker. 

"Come on locker hurry up and open," I say to myself. It finally opens and I shove all the books into my locker and shut it and make my way to my car. Jeff was staying back in the library to study for a test with Clay since he's failing almost all his classes. So I was gonna be going home alone. 

I get in the car and I'm about to start the engine when the passenger door opens and I jump. I turn to the side and who do I see? Justin Foley, that's who. He sits in the passenger seat and closes the door. 

"What are you doing?!" I snap.

"I came to return your pen. But you were pretty quick to get out of school," he explained.

"You followed me all the way to my car to return my pen?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Thanks, now can you please get out of my car? I just wanna go home and watch Netflix. The new episode of Riverdale came out and I can't miss it." 

"No, I came here to ask me why you've been avoiding me. I really wanna be your friend Cassie. You seem really nice and I'd love to get to know you more. But you run away before I even get the chance to say hello. Why do you hate me?" he asks. 

"I don't hate you Justin," I begin. I just hate your stupid psycho girlfriend. "I just don't wanna get on the wrong side of Jess. I'm not here for the drama. And I'd rather avoid it. I'd like to be your friend Justin, but I don't want Jess to create drama and be jealous."

"Don't worry about Jess! Once she hang out with you more, she'll like you! I promise. And she's not a monster, she's nice and you'll like her. I promise," he tells me. "Now, I don't want you to miss Riverdale so I'll let you go." 

"No, don't leave. Why don't we get to know each other while watching Riverdale?" I ask. 

"Sounds like a plan!" he smiles. That damn smile. 

I grin and start the car and we head to my house for Riverdale. 

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