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I was in the library with Hannah and Clay since we all had a free period before lunch. Hannah and I were discussing mine and Justin's lunch "date" (that's what Hannah, Monty and Zach kept calling it anyway). Clay wasn't interested in our conversation so he went off to find some books to help him write our English essay.

"So, have you planned out what you're gonna say to him?" Hannah asked me.

I was surprised with how supportive Hannah was with my little crush on Justin. Especially after she told me her history with him. But Hannah always liked to see the best in people, not the worst. She always gives everyone a second chance. I admired her for that. 

"Was I meant to have planned my conversation?" I ask puzzled.

"God Cassie, you're worse than me when it comes to boys! When I fell for Justin, I pictured everything. Our first kiss at the park. Everything. And you don't even know what you're gonna eat for lunch with him," she joked.

I stuck my tongue out at her, "not everyone is a hopeless romantic like you Han," I laughed. 

I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost lunchtime. I had told Justin that I would just meet him at the cafeteria. I had a bit of a walk from the library to the cafeteria and i still needed to make a stop to my locker to drop off my books so I better leave soon.  

"Hey Han, I gotta go. I still need to put my books away before I meet Justin," I say.

She squeals. "I'm so excited for you!! Okay, leave quickly!! Don't forget to tell me all about it after school okay! We're going to Monet's and you're telling me everything!"

I giggled. "Okay okay! Now bye, I'll see you later," I said.

I could hear Hannah still squealing as I leave the library. I just shook my head and laughed. God, I love her. 

I fast walk to my locker to put my books in my locker. I put in the combination, shove everything into my locker, take a quick look in the mirror I had in my locker and made my way to the cafeteria. Why was I so nervous? It wasn't like I was actually on a date with him. We were literally just having lunch and getting to know each other at the school cafeteria. Not exactly romantic anyway. 

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and I take it out to see that I had a text from Zach and Monty wishing me good luck. I rolled my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket and kept walking to the cafeteria. I was the first person here since most people were still in classes so I decided to go get my lunch since there was no line. 

I ended up getting a chicken salad, yoghurt and an iced coffee. 

The bell rang to signal lunch time and I see a bunch of students come into the cafeteria. I scanned the cafeteria to see if I could spot Justin when two hands cover my eyes. 

"Guess who?" the voice asked.

My cheeks flushed. I could guess that voice anywhere. "Shawn Mendes?!" I exclaim.

"Yea-wait no!" the voice said.

I turned around and giggled. "I knew it was you Justin. But it would've been cool if it was Shawn Mendes."

"Oh, so you would rather be having lunch with Shawn Mendes than me?" he asks with a hand on his chest pretending to look offended.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, yes I would Justin."

"Wow, that's mean," he said.

"But hey, I guess you're not the worst company," I said winking.

He playfully shoved me before going to get some food from the lunch ladies and then walk back over to me. 

"Do you wanna sit outside? it's a really nice day today," he asked.

"Yeah! Sounds great!" I answered.

We made our way outside and decide to sit on one of the benches right next to the football field. The sun was shining and there was a light breeze. It seriously was a beautiful day. Except for the fact that we were at school. 

"So Cassie, any reason you wanted to hang out with me today?" he asked.

Well, he got straight to the point didn't he. I looked at him not knowing what to respond before finally saying, "do I need a reason to hang out with a friend?" I ask.

"Oh, so we're friends now are we?" he smirks.

"I mean, with the amount of times you like and comment on my Instagram pictures. I would say that we're either friends or you're just a creepy stalker," I joke.

He laughs. We talk for a little bit and he told me about his home life with his mom and her boyfriend. He told me about how abusive he was to his mother. Apparently he tried to stop him and only got hurt and his mom never stood up for him. I couldn't imagine how he felt living in that home. I was grateful that my parents were loving and kind. 

"I'm glad you told me Justin. I felt like there was something up with you for a few days but I didn't want to seem nosy. You can trust me, I'm always here for you. And if you ever need anywhere to stay, my house is your house too now. We have a spare room and it's yours if you ever need it," I smile and put my hand on top of his.

He looked down at my hands on top of his and then he looks at me. I awkwardly pull my hands away from his remembering that he's still with Jess. I thought I saw Justin's smile fade but he quickly cleared his throat. It was probably nothing. 

"Thanks Cassie, that means a lot. I've tried to talk to Jess about all this but she's always going on about cheer and her life. I just couldn't get a word in. And when I did, all she did was nod and she didn't seem interested," he admitted.

I shook my head in disgust. I couldn't believe Jess. But then again, I wouldn't expect anything less from her. She always seemed like the type to need all the attention on her. It was blatantly obvious that she was using Justin to get popular. 

"Justin, please don't take this the wrong way, but if Jess can't listen to you talk about your life but she expects you to listen to all her middle school drama, why are you with her? Like, the key to a successful relationship is good communication. And based on what you've told me, it seems like the relationship is very one-sided. Look, you deserve someone who's going to be there for you through the ups and downs and someone who will love and support you always," I say. 

Someone like me

"I don't know," he sighs. "I've thought about it. Believe me, Cassie. I have. I just don't know if I can let her go."

"Well it's up to you what you wanna do. It's your relationship. I'm just giving you some advice. But if you need anything, I'm here for you. Okay?" I say.

He nodded. "Thank you Cassie. You're really something special."

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