Chap 18 - You Are Not Alone

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•City Hospital•
Bhavya & Rudra came running to the hospital when they heard about Om. Om was admitted in the City hospital. He was inside the Operation theatre.
Gauri saw Bhavya & hugged her crying.
Bhavya asked her about how all this happened.

"He went to report a missing complaint for his father. He was so happy, he had a hope that his father might be alive. But on his way he met an accident. Someone from the lot admitted him in the hospital." Gauri replied stammering.

"Have you told Annika?" Bhavya asked her.
"I did, she was with Shivay" Gauri replied.
Rudra was a bit confused. "What was Bhai doing with Annika?" he thought.
Shivay reached the hospital, picking up Annika in his arms he quickly went inside.
Gauri was already crying when she got another shock. Bhavya and Rudra were equally stunned.

"Shivayy! What happened to her?" Gauri & Bhavya asked worriedly.
"She fainted after talking to you" he said.
"Doctorrrr! Doctor.." he shouted.
"Please look what happened to her." he said lying her down on the stretcher. The doctor asked the compounder to take her inside.
Shivay was crying & so were Gauri & Bhavya. Rudra saw his brother crying for the first time.

"I dont know what is happening!!! Here Om met with an accident & now Annika fainted..I dont know what to do? What will I do if anything happened to any of them" Gauri cried hugging Bhavya.
"Nothing will happen to Annika & Om" Shivay shouted.
"I wont let anything happen to her" Rudra Gauri & Bhavya were able to see his red eyes full of tears.
"Bhai relax!!! Everything will be fine" Rudra hugged Shivay.

He could see the worry in his eyes. His brother was crying for a girl whom he didnt even knew for a month. But he was able to see the changes in him since he met Annika. He was his little brother but he knew this girl was special because she was the first girl who affected his brother so much.

Gauri could see the love in Shivay's eyes. He was there with Annika from the day he met her. He saved her so many times. He cared for Annika, He wanted to see her smile. She knew that Shivay have got feelings for Annika. She felt bad for Shivay for she knew what he must be going through because she was going through the same sinking feeling. It is so terrific to see someone you love in danger.

The doctor came & informed about Annika.
"Dont worry. She fainted out of shock. She will be conscious in sometime."
"Can I meet her doctor?" Shivay requested.
"You have to wait Mr Oberoi, She is still not in senses" the doctor replied.
Shivay felt so relaxed. It was as if he was dying but suddenly got life.
Gauri, Bhavya & Rudra also felt relaxed.
Gauri thanked her stars. She knew Om would have killed her if anything would have happened to Annika.

Bhavya & Rudra went to get coffee for Gauri & Shivay.
Suddenly one of the doctor came out of the OT & said
"We urgently require some blood. Plz arrange 2 units of O negative" he said & went inside.

"Oh my god!! What will happen now? How are we going to arrange for blood now? Om is O(-). He can only accept the blood of the same group. His blood is rarest." Gauri stammered in shock & cried.
" I will give him blood" she heard Shivay say.
"But Shivaay" she was about to say when he said.
" I am also O(-) Gauri. I can donate to anyone. Nothing is going to happen to Om. I wont let anything happen to him" he said while giving her an assuring smile.

She smiled back. This man was no less than an angel in their life. He always came to rescue Om & Annika. She cant be more thankful to him for helping them & to god for sending him in their life.

Shivay asked the nurse that he wanted to donate the blood. The doctor took him inside. He took two units of his blood & sent him out.

Shivay, Bhavya & Rudra were busy convincing Gauri. Suddenly they heard
"Bhaiiiii" !!!
"Annikaa" Shivay said & ran to her room.
She was crying bitterly trying to pull off the needles which were inserted in her hands for the transfer of glucose.
He quickly ran towards her & stopped her.
"Annika..Annika relaxxx! Listen to me" he said holding her but she was just not in senses.
"No Shivayyy! Let me go! Where is bhai?? What happened to him??" she tried to run.
Gauri Bhavya Rudra were trying to console her but she was unstoppable.
"Annikkkaaaaa!!!" Shivay shouted holding her shoulders tightly.
Annika was shocked.
"Listen to me!! Om is fine. He is in the operation theatre. Nothing will happen to him. Okay???" he said softly looking into her eyes.
Annika didnt said anything. She just hugged him tightly. Her nails literally scratched Shivay's back. She cried bitterly.
Gauri & Ruvya were relaxed now. They left them in the room & came out.
Shivay was caressing her back & hair with his hands.
"Sshhhh! Stop crying Annika. What are you going to tell him if Om saw you like this? He wont like it I am sure" he said cupping her face.
"I cant lose him Shivay. I have no one else in my life except him. I cant live without bhai, I dont want to be alone. He will be fine na?" Annika asked Shivay sobbing, with eyes full of tears.
Shivay felt as if his heart was tearing up into two parts. The way she cried made him cry to but he controlled himself.
"Nothing will happen to him" he said convincingly.
The nurse came & asked him to leave.
"You need to go out sir, she needs rest" she said.
Only after that Annika realised that she was hugging Shivay. She slowly pulled up wiping her tears.
"Ill be outside okay. Dont worry." he said moving away.
She lied down on the bed.
He came to her & pulled the bedsheet on her.
Caressing her head gently with love he said
"You are not alone now! I am always there with you" he said & went away.
Annika couldn't help but smile faintly. Her heart felt relaxed & happy. He was now among the most special people in her life, thinking this she closed her eyes.

Precap: "Please dont go"

Hello readers!
Well I know many of you must be very angry on me for not updating regularly but I would like to put my points forward.
• first of all a writer needs motivation to write. The audience is like the fuel to a writer but if there is no proper response I dont think there is any use to continue it.
• I actually take time from my super busy schedule to write these FFs but when I see the response its so disheartening. I hardly get 50 votes. I dont think that's justified.
• There are so many readers but the votes are not even half in number. Hardly 10 comments are there.
• I write one more FF ( The Womb Connection ) & by god's grace the readers there are way too amazing. They comment, They vote, They ask their doubts. I can see the interest & thus I get motivated to update it regularly. The number of votes there are 200+ & comments 20+ . Dont take me wrong I m not comparing, I m just telling how interest & motivation go hand in hand.
• I have updated. If you like it plz vote & comment. Let me know that you like it. If I get 50 votes & 10 comments I will continue writing this FF. If it didn't hit the target, I m sorry I wont waste my time then.
• Lastly sorry for the mistake in precap.
Happy reading
Thanku 😊

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