Winners of Round 1/Round 2 Matches

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If you see your stories name on the list below, congrats, you advance onto round 2. If you don't, I'm sorry to say but you're eliminated :(

The Humanity Serum

Consider It Done

Louder Than Words

Legend of Yuuto Luna

With Love and Regret, From Mamma

Fat Girls Don't Cry

Laying Low, I Don't Think So

The Ones Who Were Forgotten

A Square Relationship

Tears For The Fallen

Seth Hayes and the Naked Girl


The Secret


The Adam Project


So that makes the matches...

The Humanity Serum vs. Consider It Done

Louder Than Words vs. Legend of Yuuto Luna

With Love and Regret, From Mamma vs. Fat Girls Don't Cry

Laying Low, I Don't Think So vs. The Ones Who Were Forgotten

A Square Relationship vs. Tears For The Fallen

Seth Hayes and the Naked Girl vs. Oblivious

The Secret vs. Destiny

The Adam Project vs. Nervous?

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