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Me and grayson had be walking and talking for a while.. when we came upon the subject of school..

"Grayson!" I said

"What?" He stopped

"College today? How did we forget we had classes?"

"I don't know about you baby but I didn't forget" he shrugged and carried on walking

"Did you just call me baby?" I ignored everything else he just said

"I'm gonna call you that from now on" he smiled
"Is that a problem?" His head turned

"It is if you call every other girl that"

"Well.. I mean.." he shrugged

"Then it's a problem Grayson" I rolled my eyes

"Oh come on, there are no other girls anymore May, there never really was"

"There was" I looked at him

"Yeah but I didn't feel anything for them, I've told you all this"

"You know.. Everytime me and you get deeper and deeper into a conversation.." I said
"Each time, you end up sounding like a complete fuck boy" I crossed my arms

He looked at me, kinda shocked but at the same time, you could tell he didn't really care.

"So that's what you think I am? You think I'm incapable of having a relationship, one relationship?"

"Well.. kinda" I said

He raised his eyebrows

"You don't want a relationship with me until the end of the week, when we've slept together"

"If that doesn't say fuck boy, then I don't know what does" I said to him

"You know May.. if you are having second thoughts about us, then maybe I should just leave you now" he said with attitude

"Look, I'm not arguing with you again. I don't want you to leave, I'm just saying, if you want us to have a relationship by the end of this, stop saying things to me that you said to every other girl"

"Okay okay.. I'm sorry. So can I call you baby it not"?" He asked

"Have you ever called one of those girls babe?"


"Which one have you said less?" I asked


"Fine, call me that then" I smiled

"Okay" he smiled

"Where are we going exactly?" I asked

"I'm not even sure, Ive just been walking this entire time" he laughed

"Grayson" I smiled
"Should we just go back to mine?" I asked

"Yeah sure"

We walked back to mine. When we got in, there was a letter with Graysons name on it on the floor

"Grayson, I think this is for you" I said confused

"Oh, here?" I asked

"Well it's got your name and my address so I don't know"


I went to get a drink, while Grayson opened the letter.

"Fucks sake!" I heard Grayson yell

"What's wrong?" I made my way to where he was

"Its that douche bag, Dylan!" He threw the letter on the floor in anger

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