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We woke up the next morning on the couch. Grayson with his arms around me.


I woke up.

"Morning" Grayson smiled as he sat up

"Morning" I smiled sitting up with him

"What time did we fall asleep last night?" Grayson laughed putting his arm around me

"I have no idea, must have been really late tho" I smiled

"Probably" he kissed my cheek as he got up

"Where are you going?" I asked

"To the bathroom, don't worry I'll be back" he laughed and walked off

I got up and followed him. I went into the bathroom and he was brushing his teeth.

I also brushed mine.

"You can't stay away from me for 2 minutes can you" he smiled as he put his toothbrush away

"Can you blame me? You're my boyfriend" I smiled as I walked out of the bathroom

He smiled and followed me out

"Now who can't stay away" I teased

"I'm just getting some breakfast" he laughed
"You already know I can't resist you anyway" he walked away leaving me with a smile

I sat down on the couch and he came back with two bowls of cereal

"Oh, thank you" I smiled

"You're welcome" he sat next to me

We watched TV and talked while we finished our cereal.

Grayson's phone buzzed.
He checked his phone.. then turned to me

"I've mentioned my old friend Cameron right?" Grayson asked

"Yeah, why?" I asked

"He's having a party tonight and has asked if I wanted to go.. do you want to come with me?" He put his phone down and ate his last spoonful of cereal

"I don't know if im up for it.. I still have that big mark up by back and I don't want to show it" I shrugged

"Baby you don't have to wear anything showy, I'd just like to be able to show you off" he smiled

I smiled

"Where is it?" I asked

"Around 20 minutes away" he said

"Hmm.. when is it?"

"At 7:30.. and we can stay as little or long as you want" he smiled

"I don't know.. its gonna be full of people I don't know" I sighed

"I'll be with you, and I won't leave you, I promise" he grabbed my hand

"Okay, I'll go" I smiled

"Thank you, and I don't expect you to wear anything showy, or get drunk, or anything like that" he smiled

"I just want you with me" he smiled

"I'll be with you" I smiled

"Good" he smiled

"I best start getting ready then" I smiled

"Are you serious? It's only 1pm" he laughed

"It will take me around 2 hours to clean my room so I can actually see what clothes I've got, another 2 to try on clothes to see what to wear.. that'll be 5pm.. then 2 and a half ish hours to get ready. That'll be enough I guess" I smiled and took our bowls to the kitchen

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