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We had finally got to the party.


"Grayson unless I see anyone I know, please stay with me" I said getting out of the car

"Don't worry, I will I promise" he smiled and held my hand as we walked in

As we walked in, Grayson was greeted by a few smiles and a few hugs from old friends. He introduced me to them all and we carried on walking in until we found Cameron.

"Grayson!" Cam smiled and hugged Grayson

"Hey Cam" Gray smiled
"This is my girlfriend May" he smiled

"Nice to meet you May" Cameron smiled

"You too" I smiled

"So where are the drinks?" Grayson asked as he grabbed my hand again

"Over by the pool table" Cam pointed

"Thanks" Gray smiled and pulled me through he load of people to get to the drinks

"I'm just gonna have some lemonade, you want some?" Grayson asked

"Yes please" I smiled

"Okay" he poured me a drink and handed it to me

"Thank you" I smiled

"No problem, hey isn't that Molly?" Grayson pointed behind me

"Oh yeah, how does she know Cameron?" I asked

"I have no clue" Grayson said
"Go say hi if you want" he smiled

"Are you sure?" I asked

"Yeah I'll be fine, I'll go catch up with a few people. Ring me if you need me" he smiled

"Okay, I will" I smiled

He pecked my cheek and we both went different ways.

"Molly!" I smiled as I walked over to the her

(Molly, May's best friend if you've forgotten)

"Hey May!" She smiled as she hugged me

"I didn't expect to see you here" she smiled

"I didn't expect to see you either" I smiled

"How are you here?" Molly smiled

"Grayson's Cameron's old friend, you?" I asked

"I haven't talked to you since Grayson helped us out.. are you two good friend's now?" She asked

"He's my boyfriend! How don't you know?" I asked

"Oh! We need to go out again, to catch up. You haven't been in college for ages" she smiled

"I know! Anyway, how are you here?" I asked

"I met Cameron a while ago and I gave him my number and I got his, but we never texted until he said today that he was having a party.. he also texted me saying he'd like to take me out so.." she smiled

"Oh my gosh" I laughed "good for you" I smiled

"Thanks May" she smiled
"Want to go dance?" She laughed

"Sure, can't remember the last time me and you went out" I laughed as we walked over to where everyone was dancing

Grayson was standing right next to where people were dancing. He was talking to Cameron and a bunch of his old friends. Ethan was there too.

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