I miss you muma

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*sky pov*

I woke  up in the middle of the night I couldn't sleep there was some thing bothering I felt lile breaking down and crying but couldn't cause dad would wondee why, I climed out of the bunk and grabed Jakes guitar and walked out of the bunk area  Jinxx was still awake "her where you going Jake will need that." he said looking worried " there just something I need to do , it for my muma , Jinxx she is not here in person for her to sing to me but im going to sing to her." I said holding back the tears with that Jinxx nodded and let me go out side he totally understod.

I sat on the bottom step and looked up at the Sky "hey there Muma , I know your up there looking down at me smiling and proud of who I am , but I miss you somuch and so dose daddy , Muma I know things have been tuff for me and dada since you left but we both know your happy that we have  each other." I started to play the guitar and giggled " Muma remember when you use to always sing me to sleep when I was scared and worried well it my turn to sing to you." I started to play  every rose has it thron by poison.

" though I tried  but I guess thats why they say every rose has its thorn , just like every night has its dawn , just like every cowboy sings a sad,sad song  every rose has its thorn .

yeah it dose

though it been a while now I still feel somuch pain.

like a knife that cuts you, the wound heals but the scar , that scar reamains.

ohhhhhh yeah it dose

thats why every rose has its thorn , just like every nigh has its dawn , just like every cow boy sings a sad ,sad song.

every rose has its thorn."

I soon stoped playing and felt two hands on my sholders , I looked up but couldn't see cause my eyes where full of tears , but I knew it was dad his eyes where puffy and red he was crying aswell  he sat next to me and looked up at the sky and smiled "your mums so proud of you Sky, she loves you and forever will." he said was we both looked up at the sky and watched the stars there was one that shot across the sky "shooting star make a wish baby girl." he said I nodded and closed my eyed and crossed my fingers and made my wish.

I uncrossed my fingers and opened my eyes to see my dad watching me with  a amazing smile " what was you wish princess."he asked hugging me " I cant tell you" I said smiling "why not?" he asked with a worried look.

"because it came true already , I have my perfect dad back in my life and the other one is between me and mum." I said with a giggle , we both sat there talking and watching the stars this is a moment I will have to keep forever being with my dad and mum.

I soon fell asleep and he picked me back up and Jakes guitar and carryed us back in to the bus , he put Jakes guitar back and layed me on the sofa.

"night princess." he said as he kissed my head and sat on the sofa opposite me

and fell asleep aswell.

*aww sorry its short ive been dying to do a song in this ♥ u all *

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